Patchwork skirt "In the floor" in four hours


Sewing a fashionable patchwork skirt "In the floor" in four hours.

Patchwork skirt

The daughter gathered on vacation and, on the eve of the departure, in front of it got up to the usual problem for all women - nothing to wear "this jacket" (there are varieties of the problem: this blouse, this T-shirt, this skirt, etc.). There were all the wardrobes of the female part of our family and came to disappointing conclusion - really "nothing with what" ....

I decided to try to have to correct the situation, in order not to darken the vacation, the lack of "extremely necessary things" (although, in fact, could say and say in advance).

The Light of God is extracted by pieces of fabrics that I store for zero-coil and drove ...

On the clock midnight. The most terribly interesting - I have time or not ...

Patchwork skirt

The rags are not very suitable for each other in color, too contrast (will have to decorate the seams for smoothing the transitions), so the usual way to connect the patchwork skirt with strips and was decided to sew a "chess".

long skirt

First calculation. 10 Lackets in width (5 on the front and back) and 7 in length.

The length of all tiers is the same, therefore it is simply a common desired length divide on 7 and make an increase on the seams. I got 17cm. Rods I just narrowed with bands (on 17cm wide, respectively).

Now the width: the desired width in the belt (we take into account that he will "sit down" on the gum). Dead likes to get into the skirts through the legs, so we take a sewer. I decided to make the upper tier: the patchwork of 12 cm wide, the second - 17, the third - 22, the fourth - 27, the fifth - 32, the sixth - 37, and the lower sewing - 50. Narllah the lanes (after the first color I guessed that to tear You need from a greater width, then the remains of the strip can be distributed to smaller pieces of the upper tiers).


We sew the upper tier of arbitrary flasks. Rocked without any marks, seam short. At the end of each seam, without breaking the thread turned over and immediately processed the stitched sections with a zigzag. We repeat with all the tiers, immediately closing them into the ring. The lowest tier I immediately laid (also without a mark, simply paved the seam after 1.5 cm, then it was again drowned in and once again silent).

Patchwork skirt

Now we start connecting the tiers among themselves. I did again without the mark, I just mad pins on the vertical seams and during the process the line was granted a wider flap. Skirt collected.

Patchwork skirt
Patchwork skirt

Considering that cotton is thin, you can not doubt what will be shifted, so you immediately do lining. Then I also make the belt. We sew the "pipe" in width equal to the upper tier of our skirt (I got 70 cm long, it ended in this cloth). Penitate the bottom of the lining (again the bending - the line, also died, and another line).

Patchwork skirt

We rock the front sections of the skirts and lining and spend the front sections of the skirts and lining. (At that moment, he thought that if they were paved along the lilac part of the rubber veins, it would be an interesting sundress. But there are no residents in stock, as well as time for buying them, so let's go further).

Patchwork skirt
Patchwork skirt

Now decor. I have already written above that the loskutka is very contrasting (plus you do not forget about the jacket, for which everything is stood, and we have from gray-lilac jeans), therefore, on the perimeter of "cubes" I came up with the imitation of fringe. She smoothes the flower transition slightly and add a village chic :). Sirenevo purple yarn (air microbiber) was chosen for the role of "fringe". I thought that you can use any places, ribbons, harnesses: it all depends on the fabric and ideas.

Patchwork skirt

Two threads twist among themselves (a cube in one side is spinning, the cube is to another so that the tangles are not confused), apply over the seam and spend. The yarn shaggy, so the seam in it is "sinking" and it is not visible. We begin and finish the seam in three - four stitches Zigzag to fasten well). Everything, the decor is finished, you can return to the belt.

Patchwork skirt
Patchwork skirt

Patchwork skirt
Patchwork skirt

The lining turn inside (we have a lilac color) leaving the upstream width to the scenes into which we insert the gum.

Patchwork skirt

We rush the pins (once wound) and tighten first to the edge, and then at the place of connection of the skirt with a lining. So we have a belt and lining from the inside constitute a single integer. We leave the incomplete input for gum. We hold down the gum and sew this input on your hands. It was the first and only time for all the work when I took a needle.

Patchwork skirt

Here is what we did:

Patchwork skirt
Patchwork skirt
Patchwork skirt
Patchwork skirt

We look at the clock. All work (together with the pictures) took four hours. The customer has long fallen asleep :), I also still have time to sleep.

Patchwork skirt

P.S. The skirt has already flew away to relax, and, judging by the reports, besides her, it was possible to take anything from the clothes on vacation, because it is suitable for the beach, and on a walk, and to the parties. TCD The thing seems comfortable. Girls, still half of the summer ahead, maybe someone will have a desire to sew a new clothes;)

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