Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior


Lifehaki is needed to improve and simplify life. There are many similar tips. Some of them can be used for the interior or at home. This will add some originality and comfort. It is necessary to deal with what useful things can be adopted and implemented in your own life.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Original open wire decoration

Useful Lifehaki Home

The recommendations described below will become real assistants in domestic conditions. Original things can be used very original and convenient. Among the lifehams for the home can be noted as follows:

  1. If you fix a small magnet on the hammer, then the nails will always be near.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Magnet on the hammer handle

  2. Taking a few ordinary bottles and filling them with water, it turns out to organize an excellent watering system for indoor plants.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Gorelshko needs to wrap the cloth so that the water does not flow too quickly

  3. If you need to paint something to facilitate the process, the cover is put on the brush from a conventional plastic cup. This contributes to the protection of hands from splashes that appear from paint.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Now the fingers will remain clean

  4. Meat nippers can make a much easier procedure for producing juice from citrus.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Meat nippers will be careful when there is no juicer for citrus

  5. The keys to aluminum cans can be used to store things. The top opening the product is fixed on one hanger, the second shoulder should be fought into the lower part. This will allow to expand the ability to store even in a small closet.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    System of storage of keys from aluminum cans

  6. To conveniently and effectively store jeans fit the shower hooks. They save space, freeing more space, carefully accommodate things.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Hooks for jeans

  7. If at home there is an old tennis racket that is no longer used, you can build an original organiser from it for storing small jewelry.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Organizer from the tennis racket

  8. There are special logs from foam for the pool. If you fasten them on the walls of the garage, this will avoid random, unpleasant damage to the machine.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Fuse for doors

  9. For many, it becomes a real problem to unwind wires, garlands. If you can store them on the hangers, you can avoid confusion, which will not spend a lot of time trying to restore the usual type of product.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Girlands can be wounded on a piece of cardboard

  10. If there is no place to keep cellophane packages, it is recommended to put them in cardboard boxes from the nasal handkerchiefs.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Convenient storage method of packages

  11. Many pets leaving their wool everywhere. It is quite difficult to get rid of it on the carpet or carpet. It is necessary to spend a lot of time for an effective result. Scraper for windows perfectly helps to cope with wool.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Rubber scraper greatly collects wool from the surface of the carpet

  12. If the carpet is constantly sliding on the floor, use the latex seal.

    Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
    Several strips of quick-drying construction latex, and the carpet no longer slides

Lifehaki helps to cope not only with household problems. They are aimed at home improvement. If it is not possible to purchase expensive furniture items, you should take advantage of useful tips that will add your home the originality.

  • You can replace the standard baby bed with the old table. It turns down the bottom and complement the suitable mattress. The sleeping place will be quite original. The legs do not necessarily remove. They should be attached to the canopy. It turns out a great and unique bed.
  • If there are old children's bottles not necessarily throw out. You can paint them into pleasant colors and make a vase from them. Also suitable for storing small items.
  • Perfume bottle, which have already ended, can be turned into a small vase for artificial colors. Perfectly complement the interior bathroom.
  • If there is no special stand for toothbrushes, you should contact usual clothespins. They will allow original and effectively to store hygiene items.
  • Old children's playpen is perfectly construed in a comfortable table. It will be necessary to supplement it suitable according to the tabletop parameters. It is screwed to the mannet and you can use the table.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Almost any old bottles can be turned into decorative vases.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Pendants for toothbrushes of plastic covers

These ways will necessarily help facilitate life, save money and add uniqueness of the dwelling.

Lifehaki for home: wardrobe

Sometimes things are more than it can fit in the closet. Because of this, their appearance suffers. Simply, such uncomfortable. Use useful tips to improve storage of things and their socks. Lifehaki for wardrobe are reflected in the table.

Useful recommendations Description
Using a cocktail tube A similar solution will help to avoid tangling chains. Especially relevant when decorations take on a journey. One tube is suitable for several chains at once.
Golf application They are suitable for jeans not to get into the harmonica. It is important to note that use this method is recommended only if you do not plan to go. Otherwise, this solution will become noticeable for everyone.
Transfiguration of things You will need a junior sister jacket. His sleeves will be short. They should be adjusted a bit. Products are decorated with a tape and a cloth, the width of which coincides with the volumes are exposed. It turns out a very original and interesting option.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
So that the chain is not fused, skip it through the tube

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Difficult jeans can also be fed to boots

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Idea for storing ladies

Use a transparent nail polish to fasten the screws

Sometimes it becomes necessary to fasten the screw. Often it is required for sunglasses. You will need an ordinary transparent varnish. They are lubricated by the desired screw. When nail polish get used to use glasses.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Screws will no longer be lost

Transparent nail polish to solve a problem with a broken button

Transparent lacquer helps in a situation not only with cogs. It happens that thread, which keeps the button, begins to weaken. This may lead to loss of buttons at the most inopportune moment. Because if there is no thread and needle, it is worth using varnish. It is applied to a weakened thread and wait for drying.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Colorless lacquer wrapping threads

Gum for door

If the door constantly opens or closes, it is recommended to use a simple method with a rubber band. Use anyone. It is put on the handle on both sides of the door, turning over to formed the cross-crosswise in the latch area.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Rubber will hold back the latch

Rake for mirrors

Massive mirrors framed in the framework are characterized by considerable weight. It is recommended to use when fastening the rails from wood equipped with a lock connection.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Simple and reliable system for fastening heavy items

Ceramic tile

During the repair work or when installing plumbing, it is possible to damage ceramic tiles. Change completely all design for too long and expensive. It is much easier to remove a damaged element. To do this, the tile is placed on a nearby tile. Carefully and slowly the desired element is dried and removed. This will make rid of the defect and do not damage the rest of the products.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
And still isolate or painted tape sticks before drilling the tile so that the drill is less slid and the hole came out with smooth edges

Flower pots

If there are pots for flowers that are not planned to be used, you can find it another application. They will become beautiful covers for plates. Convenient and practical.

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Funny toys from flower pots

Lifehaki Home: 75 Really useful ideas for home interior
Fabulous house for interior decor

Lifehaki is needed to make life a little easier and more convenient. Programmes that planned to throw out, turn into useful assistants.

Video: 100 lifhats for your home

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