No longer digest! How to wash the kitchen towels in the microwave: the best way


I calmly face washing. I love to get clean underwear from the typewriter, inhale the fresh fragrance, carefully hang ... But when it comes to kitchen towels, even the most delicious hostesses come into rage.

Disposal spots from textile napkins - real flour. Each time you have to resort to the old grandmother's method - boiling. Fortunately, I finally found out how to withdraw old stains using a microwave oven.

How to remove stains

How to wash kitchen towels

Mini Cheat Sheet for Hosters

  1. So that your towel again acquired the appropriate appearance and was as new, take the usual washing soap and plastic bag.

    How to wash the towel

  2. Wet a towel, carefully scam.

    Disgraced spots

  3. Then placing the towel in the package, without tosing it.

    How to remove stains

  4. Put the package in the microwave. Exhibition of average power and leave the package in the microwave for 1.5 minutes.

    How to wash the spot

  5. Gently get a towel from the furnace. Use tongs to not burn.

    how to wash kitchen towels

  6. Single towel in clean water. Spots and unpleasant smell disappeared!

    how to wash kitchen towels

Useful advice

  1. Do not buy terry towels for the kitchen, as they quickly pollute and look untidy, besides, they dry for a long time.
  2. Choose linen and cotton wafer towels, because they are well abandoned and retain a decent look.

    how to wash kitchen towels

  3. When you are preparing, use a towel from dark or colorful fabric so that the pollution is not as noticeable. To smallest textile products, my oily hands or wipe them with a paper napkin.
  4. Change the products once every 2 days in order not to bring them to a critical state.

    how to wash kitchen towels

  5. Use a few towels: one - for the dishes, the other is for hot saucepan, the third is for the table, the fourth - for wiping hands.
  6. In order not to spoil the appearance of the kitchen polluted during the day with napkins, keep them in a cute wicker basket.

    how to wash kitchen towels

As you can see, it is not necessary to walk for the solution of the problem! True this way of washing kitchen towels and retreats unsurpassed keeper of a homely hearth!

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