Table lamp from old children's toys


This is one of the best gifts a man with your own hands. You can give such a lamp to son or make it a product together with the tea! In the meantime, proceed to work ...

Table lamp from old children's toys

What do we need for a gift

Table lamp from old children's toys

  • Old toys (cars, soldiers, airplanes, etc.);
  • Lamp;
  • Wire;
  • Glue;
  • Gold paint from the can
  • Workplace with polyethylene;
  • Mask and disposable gloves.

Stage 1.

It is advisable to take a few large machines for the base of the lamp. They will hold the rest, smaller toys. For reliable fixation, large toys need to be tied with wire for the bumper or wheels.

Table lamp from old children's toys

Table lamp from old children's toys

Table lamp from old children's toys

Stage 2.

After the manufacturer of the lamp base will begin smaller toys. So that the lamp looks interesting, you can portray toys in the dynamics!

Table lamp from old children's toys

Table lamp from old children's toys

Stage 3.

Toys are high-quality attached to the lamp, and the gift is ready for painting. Make sure all the elements are beautifully placed and glued well. Closing the workplace with polyethylene, proceed to painting. It is important that the room in which work is in high quality was ventilated.

Table lamp from old children's toys

Stage 4.

The final and easiest stage of our work. Attach the cord to the lamp and screw the lampshade, and the lamp of old toys do it yourself ready!

Table lamp from old children's toys


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