Snow White Miracle for the New Year


I am so inspired by this site the idea of ​​the decor of a large salt and foam crumb that is my variety on this topic


Source material - plastic bottle, salt, foam crumb

This is an ordinary transparent plastic bottle, cut off the upper part and cut the bottle on the radiant to the end to the end, you can take a bottle of smaller volume and leave more vertical part, then the core will be practically not visible. Lucches glucuate a large salt and foam crumb, it turns out such a snow-white miracle, or something snowflake, or something else


Snow White Miracle for the New Year

This is a foam ball, attached salt and foam crumb. The lighting is bad and the photo is unsuccessful, in fact very pretty it turned out.

And here are some more ideas of not so snow-white, but also simple and cute. I have already loaded the topic - Christmas toys of crocheted ribbons, these from the same "opera", in general, with knitted crochet ribbons you can think of a lot of options, you need foam forms, knitted ribbons, beads, beads and full flight of fantasy. Once again I apologize for the poor quality of photos.

Mushroom and Christmas tree

crochet ribbon


crochet ribbon

crochet ribbon


Snow White Miracle for the New Year

crochet ribbon


Snow White Miracle for the New Year

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