Volume paper snowflake


An interesting idea for forming paper sculptures and toys, I brought me from kindergarten my eldest son. Toys are made from triangular modules that, when mounting together, you can get different figures. Here such a snowflake

Ideas for the new year
. Make such beauty is very simple, first you need to make a whole bunch of triangular modules. Paper can choose any, colored, painted, we took ordinary album sheets that were divided into four parts.

Interesting ideas for the new year

1) We fold the sheet in half, along.

Interesting ideas for the new year

2) Mix the sheet to in half, by this we plan the line of the middle.

Interesting ideas for the new year

3) turn over our sheet and put the middle of the middle of the middle.

Interesting ideas for the new year

4) Now we turn over and raise the bottom up.

Interesting ideas for the new year

5) The remaining corners wock for a triangle.

Interesting ideas for the year

6) Now we register our corners inside and fold our triangle in half.

Interesting paper ideas

7) We have a module that has two pockets and two "legs"

Interesting ideas Izbumagi
Now it is necessary to connect them, puts the legs into the pockets, alternating one module, then two modules, again one and so on.
Interesting paper ideas
Gradually, a sprig of snowflakes is obtained, you can complicate additional modules to the main branches. Connecting the branches you get a snowflake.
Sculptures from paper

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