Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe


Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Greetings to all lovers to crash, I propose to consider the instructions for the manufacture of a simple small organiser from a piece of plumbing pipe. In such an adapt, you can store different bits, small drills, pencils, hooks for born and other parts. In total, the organizer provides four compartments for any things. If homemade you are interested, I suggest learning it in more detail!

Materials and tools used by the author:

List of materials:

- a slice of a plumbing pipe;

- plywood;

- Pipe plugs;

- Self-tapping screws.

List of tools:

- paint balloon;

- carpentry glue;

- drill;

- metal hacksaw;

- grinder machine;

- electrolovik;

- Bormashin.

Self-timer manufacturing process:

Step one. Cut the pipe

First of all, we take a handwheel on the metal and cut off a piece of the pipe, choose the length depending on the size of your future organizer. Next, in the pipe cut out the window, there will be a retractable shelf. Everything can be cut through the bormer or drill, fasten the cutting nozzle in the cartridge.

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Step second. Billets for shelves

For the shelves, the plug is needed, cutting it along two halves. If desired and necessity, stepping unnecessary. At the end, the author painted the prepared details from the cylinder. The paint stucks well, everything is desirable to clean the sandpaper.

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Step Three. Partitions and assembly

Cut out the base for the pipe from plywood, and also make a partition along the entire length of the pipe. As a result, we get a long compartment under pencils and other similar items.

To those parts that are cut out of the plugs, screw the rear walls from plywood so that the parts do not fall out. Everything is assembled on self-drawing, the upper shelf can be equipped with joinery glue.

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

Simple and convenient organizer from a piece of plumbing pipe

The homemade works fine, now all the details in their places, the organizer is small, take it with you and go to the place of work. To wear a homemade was easier, you can make a rope or wire handle, you can hang on the wall.

This project is completed, I hope you liked the homemade, and you have found useful thoughts for yourself. Good luck and creative inspirations, if you decide to repeat this. Do not forget to share with us your ideas and homemade!

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