Decorations for girls and girls 2


In the first part you saw adorable sets!

Well, in this part, I will show you even more accessories and even fashionable bags !!!!!!!


Decorations for girls and girls 2

This is a set with a bracelet and sergens !!!!!!!!!!!!

Made by crochet!

In nose, ordinary paper !!

Decorations for girls and girls 2

It is not very difficult but super fashionable !!!!!!!!!!


Decorations for girls and girls 2

And this is the set "Angel Roses"

Decorations for girls and girls 2

Decorations for girls and girls 2

Decorations for girls and girls 2

This is a very comfortable gum !!!!!!!!!

Decorations for girls and girls 2

And this is a hairpin "Emerald drop"

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Decorations for girls and girls 2

Decorations for girls and girls 2

Decorations for girls and girls 2

This is a mobile phone case !!!!!!!!

Bags section !!!!!!!!!!!

Decorations for girls and girls 2

Not a big denim bag with robes !!! This is my first experience in the product bags !!!!!

Decorations for girls and girls 2

There are no handles from the bag yet, but will soon be !!!!

Decorations for girls and girls 2

With roses, and on roses beads !!!!!!!!!!!

Decorations for girls and girls 2

And butterflies from the fabric !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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