Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.


Lesson number 1

Lesson number 2.

Lesson number 3.

Lesson number 4.

Lesson number 5.

Lesson number 6.

Lesson number 7.

Lesson number 8.

Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done. It remains our grandfather a gift to do, yes to make a job with a gift, from him ....

Handbooking his testicle. Not a moughs of course, but also "ExClusion".

And we will make Ethi Gobelka under the vintage. Flashing, stuck, experienced such teelles.

Immediately and for the future I will note: we have a fairy tale and joy full of pants, if it is possible to deal with the acrylic contour, but about such things as Krakle-Varnish Ali felt for felt in store stores did not hear. Make square eyes and point to the door. Therefore, please think before to spit.

Before proceeding to the guzzles, I had to re-read the photos and kippect the photos in order to know all the manufacture of them, all rules and subtleties. We will not observe the latter, but the foundation is taken into account. I advise you the same thing - to re-read all the information about how the pattern was covered, which form had how many strings were, and so on.

I chose a form simple, trapezoidal, removed the measurement and went cut off ...

To the selection of plywood or boards treat responsibly. Do not come aside, as I, on the bitch, it will be, then in the work. I am also silent when it cut the hole in the middle. It turned out Koriytenko ... All species spoil. Together with a glare camera and at all the nightmares comes out. Well, yes, not the essence. Photo is not a product ...

On the discharged blank, we mark the center and outline the circle. It is best for a stack or a glass of suitable size. Then go cut off. The hole should not be passive!

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

We proceed to painting. I primed all the workpiece with a black gouache on several layers. Then he dried.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

You can paint teelle if you can. I did not risk and decided to "advocate".

Cut out fragments of napkins, but then ... everyone knows ...

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

At the edges of Gusell, two paper stripes pasted and covered their yellow stained glass paint.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Miraculously produced in our needlework stores (on the fact of stationery) contours (silver and peach) added tricks. Red stained glass paint (or ordinary acrylic) added several bright stains.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Covered work acrylic. (And here the camera began to caproit, the photo is horrible)

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

It remains to attach to the tricks of the string. On my maximum amount - 14. There were varieties from 5 strings.

Cracks of transparent glue "moment" on one side, thread pasted ....

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

... Then, on the other, I pulled the "strings" so that the threads did not bend.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

The extra pieces (at the edges) cut off.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Gave glue to dry. And the marker caused the points in the field "Rod".

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Compare: side with non-oscillating "slices" ....

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

... hussley with "slices".

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Weep strap for gecess. It can be cut out of the skin or weave a wide braid. I chose a second option.

The strap glued to the hubs at 7 and 8 strings. Gave glue to dry.

We put in the hussley on the neck of the grandfather and politely ask him to pop us.

You know, once again, I note about myself that the doll lives his life. Here, compare the grandfather's face expression yourself with poor lighting and with normal ...

Bad (gloomy? Or seems to me?)

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sufficient lighting (as if smiling)

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

We define a doll place of residence, Sadim and rejoice! Our huge work is ready. A new person was born ... Let both textile, but a man!

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

Sculptural textiles. The lesson is ninth. Gusli.

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