Shebbi shelf. MK


Shebbi shelf. MK

Shebbi shelf. MK

Good day!

For more than 20 years, my shelf hung in this form. Finally fell. I decided to remake, since he selected himself.

Who said that the carved regiment can not be in the style of A la Shebby? As it can ...

Shebbi shelf. MK

Shebbi shelf. MK

Alteration is ordinary. Places chocolate color, candle, white paint, sandpaper, decoupage, acrylic varnish, new loops and additional handles ... There is no cracker. Cracks themselves formed.

Shebbi shelf. MK

Shebbi shelf. MK

"Moist" mine. Tired of the central compositions, I decided to put roses on the field.

Shebbi shelf. MK

There is still a shelf. Side view.

Shebbi shelf. MK

40 years ago hung in the bathroom and served as a first-aid kit and a towel holder. Then they were thrown out (at the cottage). I brought and transformed. Now in the hallway on it are pursy by the potential and shawls, warm winter and light spring, and on hooks, bags. Very convenient, by the way, when the Palants lay on the shelf - one take, the other falls .. and so nothing falls and you can see what to choose ...


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