Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!


Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!
Magic! Surprisingly, but another word is not located when you look at the works of Croatian masters, creating, or rather, there is no better word Creative Such beauty. The tradition of execution of such lace has about 600 years and leaves its roots in Mycenae.

Now the main centers of the creation of Croatian lace miracles are the islands of Pag, Hvar and the city of Lepes.

Needle lace from the island of Hvar, woven by the hands of Benedictine nuns, distinguishes unusual, amazing and clarity geometric pattern. Up to our time, a unique technology of weaving patterns of thin, but surprisingly durable fibers, which are obtained from the leaves of the agave plants are preserved. The unique complexity accompanies the whole process - on the manufacture of threads from Agava takes place sometimes up to two years!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

In the Croatian villages of the island of the Pag, who is considered to be the birthplace of this craft, exclusively manual technique for creating a delightfully lung, snow-white, the finest lace moves from the mother to his daughter.

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

By the time of marriage, every bride among the dowry was outfits, decorated with hand-held spilled patterned lace. Glory about Pazhsky craftsmen extends far beyond the limits of the island itself, and all of Croatia. The most expensive and luxurious outfits of Augustors were decorated with their creations, although the secret of weaving these air patterns remained a mystery for the then court craftsmen. Due to the definition of lines, special geometricness Pazhskoye lace is also called "stone flowers".

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Lace labeled is distinguished by a weaving method - it is a coat. Also in its patterns, plant motifs, flowers, smooth lines prevail.

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Even after a huge number of years, the Women of the Croatian Archipelago with trepidation and due honors keep the secrets of their skill and traditions of Mom and Grandmothers, transmitting magical skills from generation to generation. In Croatia, there is a Lace Museum, where you can see the work of outstanding craftsmen, their tools, to look behind the weaving process, as well as order a copy of any of the exhibits you like.

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

It is impossible not to surprise the hardness of Croatian lace, their giftedness and truly wonderful love for the customs of their people!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!

Croatian Lace: Frozen Music, Sleeping Opens!


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