Irish lace


Irish lace

Name Irish lace with ordinary knitting technique is very difficult. The beauty and complexity of execution borders with virtuoso art, which are not all needlewomen with experience. The essence of the Irish lace technique is that separately outlined motifs are connected to a single composition using several assembly options. The main elements of Irish lace are flowers, leaves and other motifs on plant topics. In our master class for beginners, you will learn the secrets of crochet of Irish lace, which will help you master the basics of this complex, but very exciting equipment.

Methods of connecting motifs

If your product is a small canvas consisting of several large and homogeneous elements, you can use the simplest method of their compound. To do this, you must clearly represent where each element will be located. Having connected one motive, you must have to attach it to the first one during the configuration of the last row of the second motive. In theory, it sounds simply, but in practice it is very problematic to determine exactly when to start connecting individual elements. If your level of skill is not high enough, it is better to start with knitting large elements. And to connect easier.

Irish lace

Irish lace

Irish lace

The easiest way to which novice needlewomen resort is that separately related elements are sewn on the finished product. As a basis, you can use tulle or textured fabric.

Irish lace

Irish lace

Irish lace

And the most common way used in the technique of a typical Irish lace is the knitting of the irregular grid. First, lay out the composition of the finished elements, and then between them voids to fill in the grid. The grid of "honeycomb" or the filleic is not suitable, since their form is standard. An irregular mesh allows you to raise the cells of different shapes and sizes so that the motives look soaked. Grid knitting threads should be chosen so that they are thinner than those used to knit elements. Tighten the loops of the tight so that the grid is tight.

Top from Irish Lace

In order to get acquainted in more detail with the typical lace technique, we offer a simple master class. So, prepare the required number of motifs, a T-shirt of the appropriate size, thread and hook.

  1. On the pattern (T-shirt), lay out major items face down. Then distribute uniformly smaller elements. Note them to a T-shirt with the needle and thread.

Irish lace

Irish lace

Irish lace

  1. Sisting the place of the joints, and large gaps between the individual motifs of the lace fill in the irregular grid. Similarly, treat and front, and rear cloth. Now it is necessary to connect the product on the shoulder seams. Sust them, observing the drawing. For this, additional elements may be needed.

Irish lace

Irish lace

Irish lace

  1. Now it's time to proceed to the processing of lateral connections. If you want the top to be fitted, it is necessary to have separate lace elements so that they are to each other as close as possible. Under the premium and on the lines of the hips, the lace cloth will have to expand a little, spreading the motifs for a greater distance. Then the resulting space between the elements should be filled with an irregular grid. Similarly, connect the second side of the product. Lace top is ready. If you wish, you can link the sleeves and sew them to the product.

Irish lace

Accurate knitting schemes of Irish lace does not exist. That is why each product is obtained unique and unique. Experiment, and everything will succeed!

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