Crafts from gift bags


Crafts from gift bags

Hand a gift just so, without packaging and additional tinsel, in our time it is considered a banality. That is why the production of gift bags flourishes. Unfortunately, such a container is not too comfortable and reliable. Therefore, in each house there is a package with gift bags. And the best use to them - Crafts from gift bags.

Gift package is experiencing several stages of its existence. It is bought, give it, and then a couple more times. Next, when it becomes a shabby and marked, the package either is thrown or hiding in the pantry. But you can make such wonderful Crafts from gift bags . Ensure yourself!

Crafts from gift bags

If you, like our edition, love to transform unnecessary things into beautiful and practical crafts, you will like this idea. After all, today we will make the rack. For this Crafts from gift bags You will need square plywood, furniture stapler, adhesive gun, buttons and several nails with caps.

Crafts from gift bags

  1. First of all, paint Faneur into white or any other color. We recommend using bright shades. When the base dry, draw the frame using the ruler. To do this, retreat 1.5-2 cm from each edge. On line, make the frame from the buttons.

    Crafts from gift bags

  2. Now we take over the cells. 5-6 gift bags put on the plywood as you would like to fix them. First, attach the lower row of cells in the stapler, and then the upper one. Around the packages will score several nails with caps. You can hang headphones, scissors, tapes with badges and more.

    Crafts from gift bags

  3. Cells themselves start at will. Our rack is filled with handles and pencils, markers and tassels for paints. It is important that packages can withstand a lot of content. Therefore, distribute it evenly. From such Crafts from gift bags Will crazy both adults and children.

    Crafts from gift bags

  4. As a result, you will have a unique organizer for stationery, toys and other little things that are usually lost. For consistency, each compartment can be glued with a signature label. Decorate the rack in your taste. For example, select the color gamut of one tone.

    Crafts from gift bags

So, it would seem that completely small-friendly gift bags can be useful in everyday life. A similar rack will cost you in a penny, but to please the eye will be daily. And what Crafts from gift bags Make you? Share your experience with us and other readers.

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