Suspended chair-hammock in Macrame technique. MK


Suspended chair-hammock in Macrame technique. Master class from Gala75

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With whatever I am pleased to sit in such a pendant hammock ..., and not only in the garden, you can on the balcony, on the veranda, and in the house it would be sitting. You can take it to the nature of it ... I want to weave, especially since this master class from Gala75 is very detailed and understandable, even the prices are indicated on all materials used. And the materials are a gymnastic hoop da cord polyester. I'll definitely buy everything, the split, sfotkay and show. By the way, if you still do not have a camera, buy immediately professional or even better camera for Extreme, which can be safely taken in the most extreme travel) Athletes, tourists and extremals will be able to buy a Gopro - an action chamber, famous for the whole world with its unique abilities to capture on Photos and videos are all the brightest moments of any risky tricks, on the site Here you will learn about the reliability and excellent unique characteristics of a professional miracle camera

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For work requires:

- Gymnastic hoop - steel D 90 cm (no longer found, and from the pipe has not yet learned to weld) ... the cost is 180-280 rubles;

- Ring gymnastic (photo just below), the cost of 2 rings - 290 r.;

- polyester cord D 4.5 -5 mm 800-900 meters;

- hook number 8-9;

- Scissors, Roulette ....

And a little patience :)

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Polyester-braided cord D 4.5 mm.

I was looking for a suitable cord for a very long time, I chose not only because of the price of 1m. = 1p.

The big plus of the polyester cord is that the chair from it will feel great on the street ... This chair is not afraid of raining neither snow. If we are wearing a beloved and for a closed veranda or room, it is advisable to buy a woven 16 strand cord .... You can from natural fibers ... the price of the question is 1m. - from 5 r. (((

The shortcomings of the cord is that if it is unsuccessful to hook a thread at the end of the cord, then he blooms, but if it's a little burned the edge, he will melt and not break

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Rings gymnastic D 17 cm, thickness 2-2.5 cm, cost 290 rubles (2 rings) ..... if there are others, then their use does not take place

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and 50 rubles hook .... total the cost of the chair is approximately 1,500 rubles ... Even if you buy yourself an expensive cord ... then the chair will be released in 5 thousand, and not at 9,000 and 15,000, how are Brazilian chairs in the internet

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First, decide what seat you like most.

Var. 1 Simple napkin, invented and remarkably described TATA35. Aerial loops and loops with Nakud are used. Part where the nipple will go tightly under the ass. The finished napkin, if you put it into the center of the hoop will not get to the edges 10cm

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The twine from the napkin does not cut off, but tie it to the hoop. I started to tie it from a dense side of the napkin. In the photo above where the hook is located.

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During the sewing, try to stretch the napkin. For the first time, my napkin was larger, but it is bad, because when the chair will be ready under the weight of the sedentary napkin stretches, and it will be hard from the chair, and the pillow will be gathered in a bunch.

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The napkin (bottom) can be soothing and easier, here and twine will leave less. In knitting used air loops and columns with Nakud.

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Interior Master Class Knitting Crochet Macrame Weaving Master Class Pletting Chairs Part 1 Twine Picture 10

1 series of 10 air

2 series of columns with Nakid 1 air, etc.

3 series of columns with CID 2 air, etc.

4 row of columns with Nakid 5 air, etc.

Then in each row add de air loop.

Do not forget the betting depends on the density of knitting, I needed 8 rows on the napkin. You may have more or less, I split 5 chairs and all of them are different.

So you can safely make your changes !!!

(I only made some changes to your discretion)

On this chair (napkin + bringing it to the hoop) goes about 80 meters of cord .... For me it turned out to be relevant, because In my packs at 80 m.

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Var. 2 seat with sidushka (I also spied at Tata35)

It takes 120 meters on this seat, which is not very convenient if the packing of the cord is 80-100 meters, in this case it is necessary to bind the thread .... but it should not scare you if you like this option ..... I connected the cord durable The knot and seat withstood the load.

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Var. 3 My creation is "Braided". It takes 320 meters away, but it is taking into account the fringe, so it turns out and not much


- inconveniently tie the back, because Threads are too close;

- It turned out very stretched ... but taste and color .... to someone like a tough seat

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I decided not to regret the fringe on the fringe .. but what is the result! This version of the fringe takes about 250 meters.

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Rear view ... Simplified Option

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And finally the fourth seat option - "Network"

The option is invented for those who do not know how to crochet and will be used for the first time in MK

Since the seat is not always observed parallel to the threads, but I think that after a couple of chairs it turns out even more

In general, I set up everything in it:

- Obtakes went about 80 meters (economically)

- Seat in moderation Provissed (I and my girls love softer)

- Well, with a wicker back, the wicker seat is best combined (although my daughters like openwork-knitted sids)

Choose your option and leaf-knit seat (about "network" in detail all I will describe ")

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Cut this seat:

- 8 threads of 6 meters

- 4 threads of 5.50 meters

- 4 yarn 4.50 meters

- 2 threads 4 meters

Bind 8 pairs of pairs, the distance between them is approximately 6 cm.

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We make four flat knots so that the threads did not dissuade .... I think that you could cross them, left to go right and vice versa .... experimenting the next time :)

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With the right and on the left, we bind the remaining threads (2 to 5.50; 2 to 4.50 and 1 to 4 m), weave the seat

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The seat is ready .... the color tried to show the direction of the threads. Blue thread tie to the hoop and then turn ....... so. The seat I got soft enough (I'm drowning in it), who does not like to fall, I advise you to pull the thread ...

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If the seat is chosen and woven, it means it's time to proceed to the main work! Cut 20 threads of 10 meters. Middle of each thread note the nodule ...

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And only on two threads, I wind up the edges from four sides .... on the rest of the threads, after the third chair, the ends decided not to open into the nodes, because These chatting nodes are always confused, and when the ends are free, the slippery thread has always been unraveling itself, without much effort, despite the length of 5 m. Two threads with twisted ends, we have at the edges and perform 12 flat nodes

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The ends of the side threads tie the knot, we dissolve the nodules

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Turn the job and perform 15 more flat knots.

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There are only 27-30 flat knots ... it is possible and less .... * This time I got a long loop

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Transfer the workpiece on the carabiner (you can hang just on the belt, the belt from the bathrobe ...)

Carabiner is convenient for work .... the issue of the question is 35 rubles, we continue to work with two extreme threads (they are assigned forward

Watch all 38 "tailings" by performing 3-4 flat nodes .... and do not lose 4 end with windings

* It is possible for loyalty the thread to change the backs with the backs of the back ... and do not be afraid of long threads ... they are completely not confused .... but someone as convenient ... decide for yourself

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Two extreme threads to tie a node as shown in the photo (the threads are divided into two parts)

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We begin to determine the top of the armchair "Bell":

- Turn the job sideways

- We find two nearest cords with windings at the ends (they will be in the center of the first node)

- weave flat knot

- the first row at a distance of 3-4 cm from the loop

We are wearing 4 more nodes and we are looking for the remaining two cords with windings at the ends ... Repeat these threads in the center of the flat knot.

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The first row of 10 nodes is ready - the second row from the first at a distance of 4-4.5 cm - the third row from the second at a distance of 5-5.5 cm

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We start binding the top to the ring

* I do not wind the rings, a few seats swallowed and the hoop, and the ring ... For me it turned out to be double work and spending threads, because I am aptive thread on the fringe very tight ... And in general I think that it is not worth a frown on the fringe, because It is visible only to a fringe and a back, and the seat you will be rolled up either with pillows, or one big "perina" :)

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hubs with wounded ends should be exactly each other

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Cut for the front line 8 more threads 6 meters and impose them on the ring, here's the same node

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The node is tightened with pleasure and shift, tightly pressing, to the already imposed cords, in the center we bring four threads along the edges of two

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We begin to weave two slings, carry out 8 flat knots divide them on the floor

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We perform three rows (4 nodes-3 node-4 nodes) * In this version of the chair, the slings are wide, as in Brazilian chairs, but I often do it and already (3 nodes-2 node-3 suite) seat perfectly keeps ....

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I depart on the width of four fingers and again the punch three rows, repeat the pattern 10-11 times

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The length of the slings turned out to be 86 cm, after we learn the seat and go into it the seat to drop centimeters by 15-20 !!!

(but it concerns my polyester threads that stretch) * I advise you not to make slings too long if you are going to shoot and hang it .... if it is hanging stationary, then calculate it

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Cut 16 threads of 9 meters and add them to the left and right from the sling (from behind between already attached to impose 4, in other spaces for 2 yarns)

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Two threads with windings that will be the edge of the back. I need to move right to the left lines ....

* If you in advance with the ring, then you will not need to climb the thread on the side in order to close the black rings, and in this case you simply place the threads of the edges on the sides ...

I am a punch in different ways, so the one and the other option are eligible for life :)

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The threads of the edge from two sides moved to the slings

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Filled the remaining intervals ... tied a number of flat knots ... I got 13 knots

* Four threads are woven behind

For the convenience of weaving the backrest tie the slings to the finished seat ...

* I placed the seats "tails" forward

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In addition to the sling tie to the rope loop from gymnastic rings, in order to fasten the hoop seat

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The base of the sling is fixed at a distance of approximately 77-80 cm from each other

Tying the hoop, we proceed to creativity - weaving the back :)

* The hoop is in front of the tracks, on the sides on the 4nd edge threads and from behind on the ropes from the gymnastic rings ... The more the better ... The backs of the back will lie even more

* Distance between the upper and lower rings:

- Ahead for the length of the sling

- There is a shorter about 5-10 cm

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Side view ... * After I sit in a chair, the top ring I will have ahead ... And I can't do anything with it ... You probably need to do the top "skirt" in front ...

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Side view ... For the expansion of the back, we start to bind the side threads ...

To do this, gradually cut 18-20 threads:

4 threads - 7.50 m

4 threads - 7 m

4 threads - 6.50 m

4 threads - 6 m

4 threads - 5 m

* Before cutting 4 threads, I measure the length of the side thread from where I will bind (I cut off a double length)

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Periodically measuring tape measure on the sides of the back ... Align the drawing, if required

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Figure can come up with yourself, I have every armchair individually ... so even more interesting

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On the edge of the picture below, skip a couple of rows of flat knots or fasten the drawing next to the reps, when the back is ready to bind it to the hoop, I start from the middle .... and evenly pulling the center symmetrically tie the side threads

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After the backs of the back are tied, fill the gaps on the hoop tightly imposing the threads of the fringe:

- Front thread for 160 cm

- Behind the threads of 180 cm

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The threads impose very tightly, evenly shifting them, and aligning the seat threads ... The distance between the edges of the back and the plugs should be the same ....

* Long threads backrest and sling cut slicing aligning with the rest of the skirt ... Long segments tie to the hoop, short (in the event of a deficit) you can "solder" the heating of the edge of the lighter and quickly bonding both ends ... Repeat on trimming and place of spikes Buden unnoticed

* Speeded threads to use only in the fringe on which there is no load ... if the cord is enough that meters 200 will go on a fringe ....

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Figure I start to perform again from the middle of the back ....

* I was advised on the forum first to weave the brida, so that the filaments of the seat experiencing the load did not go anywhere ... a very good advice ... It is a pity that I have already gossip the "skirt" by this time ... But I strengthened it flat nodes located immediately under the hoop

* In the embodiments of the hooked, there is no need for it, because The seat is tied to the hoop and the threads of the fringe there is no, except for one ... By the way, the knitted sids are easier to complement the threads of the fringe

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The transition from the back to the front ..... on before recalculating the thread ... they must be a multiple of 8m, because Front and sides I have flat nodes of 8 threads

Uppere "Skirt", finishing her brida .....

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Cut the thread .... That's ready new armchair!

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