10 most useless inventions


Hair dryer for chinese sticks

10 most useless inventions (photo)

Albeit hot noodles easier than simple. And with such a hairdryer you will not have to wait, when your favorite dish cools up to an acceptable temperature naturally.

T-shirt with grid coordinate on the back

10 most useless inventions (photo)

Scratch your back - always a big problem. And with such a T-shirt, to direct the efforts of the Assistant in the right direction will not be difficult. Just specify the coordinates.

Horn for ice cream with a motor

10 most useless inventions (photo)

This invention is intended for ice cream lovers, which lazy to twist the horn manually.


10 most useless inventions (photo)

Today, people spend on work more and more time. And therefore, it is almost no remaining for maintaining the form. Such a dumbbell phone will allow you to train your hands, just answering calls. Work and fitness in one bottle is a brilliant idea.


10 most useless inventions (photo)

This invention solves the problem that has never existed. How it works, understandable without explanation. But why not use the knife?

Headdress with a roll of toilet paper

10 most useless inventions (photo)

This item of the wardrobe is unlikely to be fashionable. If a person who can not get out of the house without a roll, and it will probably prefer to strain him away from prying eyes. I wonder how the inventor did not please the pockets?

Pen for a glass

10 most useless inventions (photo)

This handle should help a person with "holey hands" to hold a glass with wine. True, it costs this thing so much that it will be cheaper to break the glass and buy a new one.

Device for simultaneous keystroke

10 most useless inventions (photo)

If Windows installed on your PC, the moment will have the moment when you need to press Ctrl + Alt + Del. And then you do not have to strain your fingers. If you are a happy owner of such a device, of course.

Toilet reader

10 most useless inventions (photo)

This option is ideal for those who are too lazy to grab the newspaper along the way to the toilet, but not too lazy to make such a device.

Fork for pizza

10 most useless inventions (photo)

Another attempt to abolish the knife.

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