Crafts from cast materials for kindergarten


I offer you a master class of a creative group of a non-state preschool educational institution kindergarten "Kroch" Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region for making crafts from cast materials - elephant.

For the manufacture of this craft, we will need:

  • Plastic bottle 19 liter,
  • Old hose from vacuum cleaner,
  • knife,
  • big scissors
  • marker,
  • wrenches with bolts,
  • Enamel white for plastic,
  • Coleler black.

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets
The bottle is cut into 3 parts, cut the top to the top protruding line - it will be a head. Then cut off from the residue of the bottle ring on the bottom, the bottom protruding line, the ring divide into 2 equal parts, the first part divide into two - ears, the second on 4-structures. The bottom of the bottle is the torso.

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

Marker on rectangles we plan out the outline of the ears

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

and legs of an elephant

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

And cut out. Then neatly around the edge burn over the flame of the candle, so that the edges are slightly melted.

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

We combine all the details of the bolts or cloves (cloves at the same time bend). It turns out such a pretty elephant.

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

The most difficult stage is over now starting our elephant color. We decided to make a natural color elephant, for this, a little black kole was added to the white enamel and the resulting gray fully painted the figure of an elephant.

After the paint dried, the acrylic paints drew eyes. You can also make eyes from a self-adhesive film or buy ready-made. And from the old hose from the vacuum cleaner as painted in gray, made a trunk, which just stuck in the neck of the bottle. And here we have a charming elephant.

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

And here and other crafts for the territory of the kindergarten are "Lamb Bonnie", "Dog of Phil", "Nyusha's piglery".

Crafts for the territory of kindergarten. Photo

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

crafts from cast materials. Farmer pets

Author: Gorshkova Alla Alekseevna

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