Simple jeans backpack



Such a backpack from the old jeans is practically intense and looks quite well. And also, in my case, there is very conveniently clutching in a knitted cover for copywriter on the lap of nature. Ideal if jeans are with numerous pockets: if the standard pair of the rear is complemented by a pair of spacious and fastening front, it gives a +100 backpack to the functionality. (And directly say, in the tight jeans in such serious pockets do not put anything impressive - but in this version it is: and the mouse clips, and the phone-wallet, and a bunch of all sorts of trifles). In addition to the jeans itself, two more belt will need (I just bought durable tissue belts on the flea market, so well-proven in a summer denim bag). You can buy a similar fabric tape in the accessories store (durable and unacceptable) or cut off the handles from old men's bags over the shoulder - the sea options.


You will still need a cord for tying the neck of the backpack, it can also be found among unnecessary spare parts or buy somewhere. Cutting the "legs" of jeans to the place where they are connected. Then we fold the top part across everything (not on the side seams, but on the front-rear) and cut the unnecessary, as shown in the photo. Where is cropped - just sewing forward. The bottom of the backpack cut out from the pants, you can estimate everything very much and nothing with particular care is not to draw and not tremble - in any case, I did it.


The cutting and sewing algorithm is described in detail in the artist about the same denim bag (by the way, ideal for beach junk). Now belts. Count, whether you are enough to be stitched into the rings of the belt as a strap backpack - depending on the physique, it may be necessary to cut them on or on the contrary, to do. Of course, you can always stripes to sew just the ends to the back of the backpack (then two belts are just enough for sure) - but this option is unreliable and implies a large load on the fabric ... I cut holes in the bottom of the backpack (just below the seam to the belts additionally "kept »Bottom) and on top (under the stitched belt part).


There are future straps in them and sewn into two rings. At this stage, a backpack is very important to try on the mirror: in the end, not quite good slits can be sewed back and make new ones. Maybe you want to disseminate the straps of the sewn or make them closer ... Watch also that the belts do not twist and in general were the same in length in the end. In general, first it is worth everything to sew a lot, very much, if only it was held. In order to correctly adjust after needed. This is how the backpack looks like from the inside: a part of the straps, passing along the back, I flashed along the entire length, and not only in places the slots - the design turned out to be durable.


To connect the ends of the belts is also easy: we make a snack on a good 3-5 cm and stitch and both both and in a circle, and across - the more stitches, the more reliable. But the look from the outside (when you sew straps from the inside, do not place the rear pockets at the same time, they will use you). Here, in fact, all. With a big desire, you can build a valve that covers the neck backpack from above (the pants are almost unused) - but it will also be necessary to invent a fastener. And it will still have to pull the neck again.


This is how about the backpack will look in the process of use (depending on the number of things laid in it, of course). This particular product is actively used for a couple of months and perfectly feels perfectly, despite the loads - the backpack is Maaaaaaeis strongly made by the last summer of linen. Of course, in such a neck without a valve, you can get a hand, not to unleash the cord - it can be convenient for the owner of the backpack, but it is worth remembering about this feature, while in a crowd or transport, where someone else can take advantage of it ...

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