Fetra cake


I will show how to sew a cake.

I chose a pink color for his base and decided that it would be delicious if you decorate the top of a strawberry, a piece of kiwi and a donut of a vanilla cream.

We will also need a Zig Zag, threads (Moulin), a needle, scissors, a sintepon, a piece of foam rubber, the diameter of which is 5 cm. Thickness about 2 cm.

All seams that are fastened with parts, revision.

On the first photo all patterns with dimensions. They simply build them because it is geometric shapes. Focus on these dimensions. You can also either proportionally reduce or increase the size.

Fetra cake

The base for the cake.

A) Solify pink felt parts - a circle and a rectangle.

B) Solving the side of the cupcake.

C) Fill the resulting "Cap" Sinyproton. It is not necessary to firmly fill. Wheel so that the felt cap straightened, the surface has become smooth, without wrinkles. And leave a place for a mug of foam rubber.

D) Close Singrytepon Foam

E) and sew the gripped stitch of a sandy color circle. This is a bottom of the cake.

E) the finished base of cake for creativity.

Fetra cake

I decided to decorate a rope of a salad cream. For this, I used Zig Zag.

Sevive stitch forward needle. I am fixed so that there is less visible to the joint. Holds hard.

Fetra cake


A) To make a berry of the grains, I make the "French nodules" with a yellow thread over the entire area of ​​the semicircle.

B) Then, with an inside, we will make a seam with a stitch to gripe the semicircular radii. Secure the seam with a knot, but do not cut a thread.

C) it turned out a cone.

D) We assign this thread "Forward needle" the edge of the cone along the entire length.

E) put a piece of syntheps inside the cone to get a berry, well holding the form.

E) Consider the thread and fix several seams. The thread of green, in the tone of the berry, sew a cup of berries.

Fetra cake


In the photo (so it turned out) the first picture is a ready-made strawberry.

A) As in the picture we apply a small semicircle to a large semicircuit and sew one item to another.

B) Light green thread make large, stitches, fibers of Kiwi.

C) Black thread with the help of a seam "French nodule" make points that imitate the grains of Kiwi.

D) Moving in half a semicircle kiwi and make a seam or by radius, or along the length of the circumference, it is as convenient. In the cavity of the part, we will put a piece of syntheps, quite a bit to give the volume a piece of Kiwi and make the last seam.

E) ready piece of kiwi. Thread, if remained, in the future it will help to sew a piece of kiwi for the cake.

Fetra cake


A) I hastily made the first photo with patterns and did not show the detail for the cream. This is a circle with a diameter of 5 cm, the petals are cut in it in such a way as can be seen in the photo. There are eight. There are cuts between them, leaving the center of the part, but it is literally 5mm.

B) We collect the shell's petals with threads in such a way as in the photo. Piercing the vertices of the petals all the time in one direction until we collect all 8 petals.

C) spend the thread again in the first petal.

D) tighten the thread and reintegrate on the wrong way.

Fetra cake

Assembling cupcake.

A) sew a piece of kiwi

B) sew strawberries

C) sew cream

D) decorate beads.

Fetra cake

I entered the excitement and sewed three cupcakes of different types, or taste.

Fetra cake

Very glad was to talk about how unusually warm, kind and beautiful things can be made, using the available materials.

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