Kanzashi wreath


Kanzashi wreath


• Satin ribbons (red, green, yellow, white, blue);

• hair hoop;

• tweezers, scissors;

• Candle, glue, beads;

• felt;

• Threads, needle.

How to make a wreath of Kanzashi.

To create a wreath, we will use three types of leaves: round flat, round volumetric and sharp leaf. Each sheet is folded from the square of the fabric, in our case, we will use squares 5x5 cm and 2,5x2.5 cm. Now we will analyze how to fold each of the types of leaves.

Spicy leaf.

Square fabric add diagonally, it turns out a triangle.


The resulting triangle is folded in pressure and once again input.


After that, we cut the corner of the leaf and we fall over the candle, climb the molten tip of the tweezers.


The bottom of the leaflet is cut, how much you need to cut, depends on which height of the sheet you need.


And the last step will be burning the cutting edge of the petal over the candle.


Round flat sheet.

Square fabric add diagonally, it turns out a triangle.


After that, two side tips bend to the middle.


Now each of the corners flex back to the middle of the leaflet, as shown in the diagram (Fig. 4) and bend the leaf itself back half (Fig. 5 - view of the front side of the leaflet and rear side).



Cut the corner of the leaflet and burn the cut edge above the candle.


This is what the finished leaf looks like.


Round volume sheet.

Square fabric add diagonally, it turns out a triangle.


After that, the two side tips bend to the middle and bend the leaf back in half, we cut the tip, burn and clamp a plug place of the cut.




Now we cut off the bottom of the leaflet. From how much we cut, it depends on what height will be leaflets.


Now in turn above the candle we burn each cut side of the Niza.


This is what leaves will come out.


And now, when it is already clear how each of the leaves are folded, go directly to the wreath. From the red ribbon, 5 cm wide cut 5x5 cm squares and fold round flat sheets of them, there must be 18 (by 6 for 3-flower).

Blue, yellow, a white ribbon is cut into 2.5x2.5 square squares. From these squares we fold sharp leaves. You need to fold: blue - 30 pieces, yellow - 40, white - 50.

From the green ribbon we add 24 round volume sheets using 2.5x2.5 cm squares.

Build colors and wreath.

BUT After all the petals are ready, we collect them in the flower. To assemble the flower, you just need to ride petals on the thread, after which the thread tie tight. Red petals collect 6 pieces in a flower, 3 flower will be released. Small white, yellow, blue petals collect 10 pieces in every flower.

When all the petals are already assembled into flowers, cut the circles from the felt and we pull them back to each flower (and the circle itself should be a slightly less than the diameter of the flower itself so that it is not noticeable from the front side).

Flowers lay down, aside to dry. Now we take 10 green leaves, we will make two green twigs. To make a twig, take one green petal and to him rear twisted two more pets. Then to each petal one more pets, a twig will be released, similar to the letter V. Other green leaflets that remained, then we will loliden to the flower one by one.


IN We prepare the basis for a wreath. Wrap the hoop with a ribbon (0.5 cm wide), I turned the hoop with a ribbon, but you can simply wrap, it does not play a big role - the windings are essentially almost unnoticed.


C-D. The next step in creating a wreath is its assembly. In the center of the hoop glue a red flower, on the sides of her - on a white flower, then we glue the blue flower on the right, and the left is yellow.

Then again red flowers on both sides. For them to the right - white and yellow, and on the left - blue and white. Glue the second row of flowers in this way: to a white flower, which on the right - we stick yellow (glue directly on the petal of one flower and press to the petal of the other) are glued white to the blue.

On the left, we glue yellow, and the yellow (glued to the hoop) is blue. Next to the right to the blue flower, and the green sprigs are glued to the left. Other green leaflets that remain glit to the flowers one by one.



E-F. The final stage is the inclination of beads (red flowers - red pebbles beads, white flowers - yellow beads, yellow flowers - black, blue flowers - blue).



After the wreath is ready, it can be boldly to wear.

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