We sew Santa Claus from Flis


Master class from Natalia Paul.

Soon, soon a new year! And even adult people are secretly waiting for a kind wizard with a bag of gifts. And you can not wait and settle in your home your own miracle is to sew a personal Santa Claus!

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

To work, we will need the following materials and tools:

  1. X / b white or beige fabric for the base of the body.
  2. X / b Multicolor fabric for pants, cap and verges.
  3. Fleece of two colors (white and red).
  4. Felt for appliqué.
  5. Hollofiber for packing and a piece of lining syntheps.
  6. Wool for felting (ribbon).
  7. Foam for boots.
  8. Threads Moulin, buttons, beads, beads for decor.
  9. The wire is thick, well holding shape, and thin copper.
  10. Dense cardboard.
  11. Acrylic paints, brushes.
  12. Needle for felting.
  13. Pliers, nippers for wire, stationery knife.
  14. Adhesive pistol, glue "moment-crystal".

one. Preparing pattern. Initially, we are determined with the diameter of the bottom of the cone and its desired height and, on the basis of this, in any convenient way to build a scan. Formulas for calculating and ways to build easily found on the Internet. Pattern drawing pattern arbitrarily.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

2. Cut from dense cardboard a circle, spend through its center a line that divided into three equal segments. On their joints, cutting holes for wire. We have a synthet circle and a circle of colored fabric slightly larger diameter. We are tightening the cloth around the cardboard.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

3. Thick wire bend P-figuratively, pushing it through the holes in the cardboard, sintepon and fabric. Wire ends bend in "Ankles" and make the "feet". We screw the thin copper wire longer to the jumper than the height of the cone, about 10 centimeters.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

four. Important! We carefully glue the wire to the cardboard and sample the wire joint. At this stage, the design should be well balanced and stable, the cardboard should not fall down the wire!

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

five. From colored tissue, we cut out two rectangles with a length of about one and a half times the length of the legs and a width of about 4 centimeters. We put along in half, we flash, turn it out. We stretch on the legs and sew to the bottom of the secret seam.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

6. From cotton carcini for the torso, we cut the cone scan. We fold in half and flash around the edge, leaving the last couple of millimeters in the top of the top. Penitate the edge around the circumference, hover. Soak the resulting cone from the fabric.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

7. We put on a thin wire cone, withdrawing its free end through a hole on the top. Pick up a hollofiber torso. Watch that during the wires of the wire remained at about the center of the cone. A sewn into the edge of the body around the circumference to the bottom of the secret seam.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

eight. From the cardboard, cut out soles. Draw them arbitrarily, the main thing is that it is slightly longer behind and in front than wire loops. We glue the soles to the wire with a thermoclaster, following their stability.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

nine. Cut with the help of scissors and a stationery knife "Boots" from the foam rubber. Cut from below the recess for the wire and cut the rear of the slit in order to insert the "ankles" into it. It is more important not accuracy, but the symmetry of the "boot". We glue the foam rubber.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

10. Cut from the red fleece two oval of this size so that it was enough to cover the porolone "boots" with a slight margin. One of the elongated vertices oval cut the sector in the form of a triangle, we put the fleece on the foam rubber, we sew the backdrop of the secret seam and tighten the fleece around the cardboard sole.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

eleven. From the felt of the appropriate color, we also cut two oval with a size of a little more than a cardboard sole. Do not cover the felt to the sole of a thermoclaster, cut down too much, we enhance the felt to the fluxe of the secret seam.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

12. We plan on the torso approximately the top of the jackets and the bottom of the cap. Between them there will be a person. From the fabric cut out a small circle, we put the ball of synthesis inside the ball, we are tightened along the edge. It turns out the nose that needs to be sewn on the face of a secret seam.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

13. Bashed face with white acrylic paint. We try not to go too much to the territory of future collections and hair so that there are no difficulties with their adhering. What exactly to draw face is the case of your taste and fantasy.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

fourteen. We cut the jacket in the form of a truncated cone from a red fleece, we fold on the edge, turn out. From the fleece and colored fabric sewing the knobs in the mittens, leaving the holes for packing, turning, stitching, sewing the holes with a secret seam.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

fifteen. We stretch the jacket on the torso, sew bottom and the neck of the secret seam. Temporarily pour the handles in order to smoothly distribute the application. Cut the parts from the felt, we rush to the body, we finally think over the arrangement of the composition.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

sixteen. The details of the appliqués first fix the "moment" drop on the fleece, so that they do not shift, and only then sew. Optionally, use buttons, beads, beads, decorative elements. We sew secret seams of the ribbon "snowdrifts" from a white fleece.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

17. From the white fleece, we cut out the tensions of the shoe and cuffs, fold in half, stitch along the edge. We stretch on the handles and legs, sew manually.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

eighteen. By the same principle of cutting collar sewing. To maintain the "snowfall" style edge of the collar, cuff, shutter boots and a cap can be made wavy.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

nineteen. Send the handles to the body with a solid thread with a button-molding. Thread slightly tighten, tie the knot and sample it for the strength of the "moment" glue.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

twenty. From the comb ribbon, we tear about 10 centimeters of wool, we collect it in a bundle of the desired thickness and thoroughly admit a needle to felting like a beard. Then we tear off the wool bundle 2 times thinner and about 20 centimeters long, we apart in the middle under your nose like a mustache.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

21. We tear two more wool bundles, along the length and thickness of equal beard, we apart from both sides of the face. The reverse side of the needle for filling is neatly combing labeled wool into the salary beard.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

22. . Also we exercise and form a hairstyle on the sides and on the back of the head. If you need, you can hang a little scissors and sprinkle with ordinary hair varnish so that the wool does not fluff out.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

23. Based on half of the cone, we cut out of the colored fabric strongly elongated and the fastened cap. The height of the cap must correspond to the length of the free end of the wire plus 1-2 centimeters for freedom of bends. We flash the items, leaving the top open.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

24. Soak the cap, we put it on the head, pulling the wire through the top hole, sew along the edge to the head. The end of the wire bending the loop. Send a white fleece and pompon, hiding in it the end of the wire.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

24. Santa Claus is almost ready. If necessary, add the decor, completing the image. If you want, you can additionally sew a bag with gifts, a Christmas tree or, for example, a pair of lamb.

We sew Santa Claus from Flis

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