Alice Doll from Fetra


Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

Posted by: Julia Fedortsova

I do not want to shut down, but probably it will be the latest felt toy from the series "Alice in Wonderland." Why last? It did not work out, as I was thinking and I was cooled. While Shila Trud and the tra, so suffered with their faces and the shape of the head, which thought - there is no place worse ... no, there is where. I have always had problems with the faces, and then there is also the size of such that you do not walk away, in general, neither the faces neither the skin .. I put the MK, maybe someone is useful, and the series without the main character loses the meaning ...

Materials: Felt Blue and Beige, a slice of beige knitwear, lace, ribbon, hollofiber, wool for filling, wire, beads, threads, needle, tweezers and scissors.

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

Pattern. All details from beige felt, head of knitwear.

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

We carry the pattern on the fabric, stitch the parts, turn and stuff with holofiber.

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

Making hair from wool. I took wool 2 shades and imposed strands to each other. Fresh hair to the head, and head to the body.

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

Purify the torso wire in the right places, making hands and legs. We are coated with a felt.

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

Well, then ... form a face and put on your discretion

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

Here are some details.

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

On the advice of craftsmen reduced her eyes (thanks, Yulinka1) and made a smile (thanks, Phoeniks), it seems to me, so she became a little mile.

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

For a scale handed the alice in the arms match.

Master class on sewing from felt: Alice

A source

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