Frame for photo from threads


Frame for photo from threads

In numerous articles published on this site, we have repeatedly told you how you can create a photo framework, using the most different techniques, for example, make a frame of paper origami, to decoupage to decapay technique, glue from newspaper tubes, etc. Despite this, the theme of the creation of the photo frames is still very relevant and this is not by chance, because we all love to be photographed by yourself, photographing our favorite, children, friends, pets, and then arrange, hang their portraits around the house.

That is why we have prepared for you another master class on the topic how to make a photo frame with your own hands From thread. We hope that you will enjoy the option of the framework and will be happy to make a similar one, into which you can insert both a separate photo and specially created photo collage.

To create a frame, you will need:

- Wooden blank frame;

- acrylic or wool bright threads;

- adhesive gun;

- Colored buttons.

First step. We take the mock of the thread and from one of the lateral sides of the wooden billet, wind by her thick turns, so that the base is not blocked.

The second step. When we reach the corner of the frame, change the direction of the turns and we will wink them horizontally, also dense twists, and then continue to decorate the next side of the base.

Frame for photo from threads

Third step. When the entire surface of the wooden frame will be filled with threads, the remaining edge will fill with a drip of glue from the back side.

Fourth step. We will further decorate the frame with colored buttons, three of them we glue in one corner and three in the opposite, the field of which the frame will be ready.

Frame for photo from threads

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