Holder for screwdrivers do it yourself


Holder for screwdrivers do it yourself on the wall

Today is a small master class how to make a screwdriver holder with your own hands - a simple but efficient option.

Storage of screwdrivers Separate theme in the workshop. Someone, they lie in the table drawer, at someone on the shelf, there are special clamps, fastening for the walls, there are stands ...

But in my opinion, the instrument should be in sight and is always available at the distance of an elongated arm, so so that it can be easily taken and put in place. All these requirements satisfy the proposed version of the shelf - the holder for screwdrivers.

Plywood shelf material - 9-ka - from it we make the basis for hanging on the wall and plywood cessing -20 mm. - for the holder of screwdrivers.

Dimensions - For a start, take a strip of thick plywood in which there are future holes for your set of screwdrivers. Dimensions do not bring t. K. The number of screwdrivers and their size is different. In the width, the plank should be enough under a screwdriver, the groove and dug, in length - under all screwdrivers, and the handles should not interfere with each other.

1. So in the plywood lane 5 on ... See drills First, the grooves are recessed under each screwdriver of the phostoin drill, and then through holes for each screwdriver. Drill can be selected one or use several with a small margin.

Blank for screwdriver holder

2. In the next step you need to do before each hole. With this variant, the screwdriver is kept on the shelf sufficiently hard.

Dutches in the holder for screwdrivers

3. After all the cuts are ready for their edges, you need to round So that there are peculiar goals. They do not need to be aimed every time you hang a screwdriver.

Split propelled

4. The final stage of grinding and assembly of the whole design. Screwdriver brackets screw to the basis of 9 mm. plywood. If you want to paint or cover with varnish.

Mount the mounting for screwdrivers

5. About the mount. The shelf in principle is ready and you can hang it on the wall. But I will make a small retreat - in the manufacture of this shelf for a screwdriver, a self-made mounting on the "French bar" is a very simple and effective means for hanging throughout anything - it is enough to cut the bar at 45 degrees one piece to bond onto the wall, and the second, picking shelf . So the holder for screwdrivers will also be quickly consuming and can move around the wall.

But we deviated from the topic, finishing the story about the secret of the holder - why do not drop out screwdrivers? The fact is that on the handle of many modern screwdrivers there is a protrusion, shown by a red arrow. For them and special grooves were made in the bar, shown in green. Thanks to this design, the screwdriver is securely sitting in the holder if they tilt them or even turn over.

Secret mounting for screwdrivers

All on this story how to make a hardware holder with your own hands.

Shared MK - Pacha.

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