Do it yourself: a 9-year-old girl builds dwellings for homeless


Girl with benefit spends his free time.

Girl with benefit spends his free time.

After a fateful meeting with a local homeless guy named Edward, Nine-year-old girl, Hayley Ford decided to help people who have neither work, nor at home. The Haley family, as well as local charitable organizations, were able to cooperate, and now the girl grows fruit and vegetables for homeless, and also builds small houses for them - and all with their own hands!

Haili Ford and dwelling for Edward.

Haili Ford and dwelling for Edward.

Hayley Ford together with vegetables from their own garden.

Hayley Ford together with vegetables from their own garden.

The story began several years ago, when in his hometown Bremerton Hayley and her mother Miranda met with a homeless guy named Edward. Then Mom bought Edward Sandwich. But the girl shocked so much that some people do not have the opportunity when it wanted that she decided to help themselves and the rest of the people too. Together with Mom, Hayley turned to the local charitable organization and received a grant for the base of his own garden and the garden. Since then, Hayley distributes a harvest every week with homeless people.

Girl at work.

Girl at work.

Hayley Ford builds mobile dwellings for homeless.

Hayley Ford builds mobile dwellings for homeless.

A few years later, Heili and Miranda appealed again for help. In this time they came with an idea to independently build dwellings for homeless people. Of course, to build big houses they were unable, but small mobile shelters in the case of bad weather - it should have been enough forces, especially since the grandfather promised to help. As a result, the Haley family really received a grant from the together rising in the amount of $ 3,000, and the local store store provided them with a 50% discount on all the necessary materials.

In the houses there are insulation, solar panels and windows.

In the houses there are insulation, solar panels and windows.

The base of houses is wooden beams, but it is not just booths: in the houses there is insulation from recycled tissue, solar panels and full windows. "We can not even imagine the best example than Hayley Ford," says the founder of the Rising Founder Foundation. - She is a vivid proof that no man, no act can be too small to change the world around us. "

The local store sells Hailie Contestovas for half of the cost.

The local store sells Hailie Contestovas for half of the cost.

The first house will be given Edward, a guy who lost his job in a local supermarket and remained homeless, and with a meeting with whom, in fact, this story began. In addition, Miranda and Hayley are planning to build another 11 such houses by the end of the year. "It's just wrong that there are people who have nowhere to live," says Haili. - "It seems to me that everyone must have their own home."

Mini housing plan.

Mini housing plan.

Nine-year-old girl and her grand project.

Nine-year-old girl and her grand project.

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