17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands


17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Homemade storage systems that will help great upgrade home.

The longer a person lives in one place, the more things have the things that need to be stored somewhere. Further, modern storage systems are presented in the material to obtain a reasonable compromise, and which will be appropriate even in close living space.

1. Organizer for wires

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Textile organizer for wires.

Textile organizer for wires that can be sewed. Secure it under your desktop and use charging cords for accurate storage that you use every day.

2. Hidden system

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Hidden system for extension cords.

Gently hide the extension can help the usual cardboard box. All that will be required of you is to make the required number of holes in it, to put the wires through them and put the network filter inside.

3. Bobbins

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Bobbins for wires.

If you like order in everything, novate.ru recommends that you get plastic bobins designed to store charging cords and headphones.

4. Containers

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Storage of wires in containers.

Another option of neat and ordered storage of wires is an organizer with separate containers. You can make such an ordinary drawer and glued to it plastic containers from sauces.

5. Storage of spices

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Organizer for spices.

A simple organizer with individual clips for each type of spices that can be attached to the kitchen cabinet door for ergonomic and convenient storage of spices.

6. Magnetic tape.

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Narrow magnetic tape.

A narrow magnetic tape that can be glued to the wall or on the door of the cabinet in the bathroom and use for the storage of "invisible", tweezers, scissors and other metal trifles.

7. Organizer for toys

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Textile organizer for toys.

Buy in a shopping store the simplest textile organizer, make a hard frame for it and use the finished product for storing small toys in the nursery.

8. Stand for dishes

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Multi-tier stand for dishes.

The multi-level backup stand will solve the problem with searching the plates of the desired size in the locker and will allow to squeeze the maximum of a small attached locker in the kitchen.

9. Containers for croup

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Storage croup in containers.

Want that in the cabinet with the croups finally reacted the order, then buy a separate plastic container for each species. According to novate.ru, such a principle of storage looks like aesthetic rustling packages.

10. Hanger

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Vietnamese hangers.

Use the usual wire to make several hangers for flip flops. Slippers on the hangers you can hang on the railing in a wardrobe, getting rid of their bulky cardboard boxes.

11. Storage of shoes

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Organizer for shoes.

It is not necessary to purchase a special shelf for storing shoes. Instead, you can make it possible to make a stylish and original organizer of PVC pipes of large diameter. Just cut them on the same pieces, decorate them to your liking and glue together.

12. Containers for packages

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Packing packages.

Store one-time cellophane packages very convenient in cardboard packages from napkins. According to novate.ru, such a storage is much better than to distinguish the whole cabinet under packing with packages.

13. Vertical holders

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Vertical holders in the bath.

Vertical Organizer with Holders for a Hair Dryer, Crying, Curl Tongs and Combus, which can be made with your own hands and use order in the bathroom.

14. Reheling for shoes

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Suspended storage of shoes.

Attach a thin rail to the wall in the hallway and use it for hanging shoes on heels. The only drawback of such a storage system is that shoes are covered with dust, which means the idea is suitable only for storing everyday shoes.

15. Organizer for covers

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Organizer on the door of the locker.

Turn the inside of the kitchen cabinet door in a practical storage system with rails. In this way, you can store covers from a saucepan and pan, and also hang small things on the bar, to which the hooks can be attached.

16. Shell Container

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Container on the suction cup.

From a plastic bottle from detergent and ordinary sucker, you can make a steep container for storing small things. Attach it to the wall of the sink and use to collect garbage, vegetable cleaning or storage of kitchen sponges.

17. Storage under the ceiling

17 almost ingenious storage systems that can be made with their own hands
Storage in the garage under the ceiling.

Storage in containers under the ceiling is a brilliant homemade system capable of improving your garage.

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