How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands


According to anthropologists, the most important feature that highlights people of Homo Sapiens (intelligent person) in a numerous detachment of primates is a well-developed abstract thinking. A non-standard look at the usual things and the ability to implement this vision to implement as a distinctive feature of another person's subspecies: Homo Sapiens Partum - a smart creative man.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Do not believe in the possibility of cardboard?

It is, of course, a joke, but unpretentious creative energy really allows you to work interesting things. On our site there is a whole cycle of articles dedicated to unusual furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands. For example, from stone, concrete and jam. Or interior items options for the manufacture of which there is a revenue - plastic bottles or packaging boxes. Fans of unusual crafts will add another material to the piggy bank, not included in the traditional set of furniture makers.

Cardboard as a source of creativity

Have you just become the owner of an apartment or a new country house, all the savings went to construction and repair, and on the purchase of new furniture money no longer left? Do not be discouraged, and most importantly - do not throw out cardboard boxes in which you transported your belongings into new housing.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Just moved? Do not rush to throw out cardboard boxes

You may not need to buy cabinets and bedside tables - packing cardboard and paper can become excellent material for their manufacture. And why the saved means why not let the party on the occasion of the bowl? Well, or spend some other, no less pleasant way.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Non-standard look at the usual things

Do not believe in the possibility of cardboard or consider furniture from the boxes of dull marginals? I propose to consider this to all the familiar and familiar material as packaging or writing accessories.

Paper Furniture: Modern Designer Trends and History

Designers of interior items today are very close attention to paper in various manifestations. Especially in the wave of interest in the ecology of the artificial habitat of man and recycling (the return of garbage and household waste into the production process of new things). However, this is a new direction, like many others - just well forgotten old.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Sofa from cardboard from the Hungarian Studio Karton Design.

Paper, despite its fragility, has long been used not only for the manufacture of books and stationery. Archaeologists meet military armor made of paper mass (today known as Papier-Masha) dated 2000s BC. As it should be expected, those paper parts of military uniforms were found in China - on the home of the paper. In addition to helmets and lat, the Chinese used papier-mache and for the manufacture of furniture.

In the XVII century, this technology has become common in Europe, where they got the usual name. Mass of cellulose fibers mixed with adhesive substance (for example, with starch) used and used to this day for the manufacture of theater decorations and costumes, objects and elements of the interior (caskets, sculptures, stucco parts, ornamental vases, lamps). Including furniture.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Advertising booklet Furniture company Jennens and Bettridge.

Over time, the process of manufacturing parts from papier-maha was more complicated. Theodore Jennes began to use pressure at the forming pressure, and Henry glue received a patent for the design of the manufactured elements in the furnace, as a result, products obtained relatively moisture-resistant glossy surface.

Theodore Jennes and John Betridge organized Jennens and Bettridge, bought out the workshop and patent Henry Glue. Partners produced furniture and other decorative deposits from Paper Masha, which enjoyed great demand - the company stores were in London and New York.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Sofa. Papier-Masha, varnish, mother of pearl, gilding. XIX century, Jennens and Bettridge.

Furniture Jennens and Bettridge is distinguished by exquisite knowledge, because from paper mass you can create any intricate shape. It was decorated with a thin gold painting, an inlaid from the mother of pearl and was covered with numerous lacquer layers as Chinese lacquer furniture.

In Russia, from the end of the XVIII century, there is also a tradition of producing products from papier-mache. Probably, everyone knows the boxes, tobacker, petroks, decorated with a lacquer miniature painting of the masters of Phane, Fedoskino, Mstera, Holly.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Pader-Masha lacquer with miniature painting. Fedoskino.

Modern designer work from Papier Masha also do not leave indifferent. For example, a series of Organic Bionic Lights from Material Immaterial Studio.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Organic chandelier. Papier mache. Material Immaterial Studio design. Photos from

Paper furniture is easy

If you were inspired by historical and designer examples of the manufacture of paper interior items, it's time to get acquainted with technology. There is nothing difficult in it - you will be sure of it, looking at the next video.

Three main directions of the manufacture of paper interior items can be distinguished.

1. Papier-Masha

With Paper-Masha, many familiar with labor lessons in elementary school. The name of the technology (French Papier Mâché) is translated as "Heavy Paper". Any paper garbage is suitable as a raw material - from old newspapers to cardboard packages from eggs (which, by the way, is also manufactured using Papier-Masha technology).

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Figures made from Papier Masha

There are two types of papier-mache: layered and paper mass. From paper mass you can sculpt, make embossed ornaments, elements, filling it various forms. The plasticity and compliance of the material allows you to give the product any kind.

You can create the whole item only from paper mass. If you plan to make furniture entire paper, do not forget about the frame: Of course, crushed raw materials, mixed with glue, durable material, but for the manufacture of the base of the chair is still not suitable. In the second method (layer-by-layer lacking for small pieces of paper) usually use to create hollow forms.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Making a mask in Papier-Masha technique

The products made of paper mass are easily processed - polished, drilled, cut. Objects from papier-mache can be painted, subject to artificial aging, use decoupage and gilding. Multilayer coating varnish will make paper furniture moisture-proof and resistant to mechanical loads.

2. Cardboard Multilayer Plates

In general terms, this technique can be understood from the above roller. From the sheets of cardboard, the "board" of the required thickness is recruited - the layers are transferred to each other, as in the manufacture of plywood.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
The sofa from the glued of many layers of cardboard.

Like Papier-Masha, a multi-layer cardboard allows you to create furniture of the most bizarre forms, at the same time remaining strong enough. Such furniture is also easily processed and decorated, but some prefer cardboard in its natural embodiment, seeing the beauty of the material in brown and corrugated structure.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
For cardboard furniture there are no restrictions in shape.

3. Cardboard origami

If in the two ways to be the adhesive methods - a mandatory component, then in this direction nothing is used. In a certain way, folded cardboard sheets acquire sufficient rigidity to become a chair, a sofa or an office table.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Cardboard living room.

For furniture from papier-mache or multi-layer glue cardboard, you can take any paper waste. Cardboard origami-furniture requires a new material of a certain density and accuracy of manufacture. After all, the product, firstly, should be resistant to the loads (the thin cardboard does not suit here), and secondly, its surface is the finished decorative coating and various flaws and extraneous inscriptions and the pictures are not hidden.

Cardboard bushings and weaving newspaper tubes

Describing the possibilities of paper as raw materials for the manufacture of furniture with your own hands, of course, it is impossible to pass by cardboard bushings from all rolled materials and newspaper tubes.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Chaise lounge from cardboard sleeves.

Of course, cylinders from toilet paper are too soft and small, but the foundations from the rolls of wallpaper, linoleum or carpet are quite suitable for furniture targets. They can be obtained practically for nothing if you agree with the local store store. By the way, the bushings of different sizes can simply buy in an unlimited quantity.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Weaving chairs from newspaper tubes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes is a popular hobby. From the perfect material (old newspapers), you can make furniture, which, after painting or coating, the veneer will not give up the traditional, wicker of rattan or a yav rod. Master, manufacturing various crafts from paper tubes, and on our website. I hope they will tell about the intricacies of this needlework and shake photos.

How to use unnecessary cardboard and paper: unusual furniture with your own hands
Paper furniture is interesting

I think I managed to show such a familiar material from an unusual angle. Agree, paper furniture is unusual and fun, and still inexpensively and quite accessible.


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