Great Bargello Technique Ideas and Schemes


Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

The American designer started his creative way from making author's ceramics, but over time, furniture, textiles, interior design, lighting and even fashion were in the sphere of interest. His motto: "If the heirs will not fight for it, we will not do it."

The source of inspiration for creating a collection of pillows in the Bargello technique was Peruvian Textiles, which Jonathan became interested in visiting. By combining his flavor with a conconduous Scandinavian approach to design, he invented his own well-recognizable style.

In 1998, he opened his first corporate store, and now they are already about 30.

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

And now more ideas:

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

And now schemes:

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

One of the old ways to apply embroidery on the fabric - Bargello. She is still called Florentine, fiery and other, no less bright and figurative. If you see the Italian name, we are talking about the same embroidery. Traditionally, Bargello is used to form bulk ornamental patterns. At the same time, the outlines of the figures can be both sharp and smoothed to roundness. Bargello resembles a common embroidery stitch, although it provides much less freedom from the directions and dimensions of each individual stitch, but it allows you to play much more with color overflows and forms.

E. The effect of the appearance of the finished drawing is achieved due to the features of the technique itself. Classic Bargello uses stitches of only one type and one length, but Bargello technique is developing rapidly, changing under the needs of modern embroidery.

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Most often, Florentine embroidery is used for panel design; Interior items that must be soft: pillows, covered; Clothing and accessories: hoops, wallets, handbags, dresses and blouses. All soft fabrics can be issued using mysterious and unusual patterns.

What will be needed for embroidery

Each needlewoman will be just happy to try to create a masterpiece in the style of Bargello. This is not just a new, unknown technique, this is a whole world of paints, in which you can show a class and make playing on the selected form.

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

You will need:

  • Fabric for embroidery with even rare weaving;
  • blissful robust needles with a wide ear;
  • lush colorful threads suitable for fabric;
  • Sharp scissors.

Special scissors for embroidery and frame will also be very useful to pull work.

If you attracted the embroidery Bargello, start with the selection of materials. It should be borne in mind that the threads must certainly be lush, fluffy, so that the ready-made canvas was soft, as if stuffed. Thread thickness must correspond to the size of the cell on the canvas, so as not to create excessive stiffness. Bargello provides for the creation of such a picture in which the base fabric is not visible. Florentine embroidery is beautiful and lush on both sides. Before you start work, you should choose a diagram for Bargello, which will not be too complicated and will help carefully understand the technique.

The direction of stitches forms the drawing and is a foundation for its creation. The Bargello embroidery process can take place on the right left or left to right if the ornament is repeated repeatedly, or it dispels from the center of the canvas to the edges. In the second case, before starting work, it is necessary to place the foundation. Even a real master can be knocked down from the pattern, therefore it is better to progress.

So, to create beauty Bargello necessary:

  • choose a drawing;
  • pick up fabric, threads;
  • stretch the cloth;
  • Place the fabric according to the contours of the future pattern.

Features stitches

Bargello technique in stitches

The main in Bargello is the traditional classic vertical stitch, exciting 4 vertical bases of the base.

The next stitch is superimposed with a shift to the side of 1 vertical thread of the base and a vertical shift by 2 threads. Thanks to this stitch, the drawing on both sides of the work will be as similar as possible as it is accepted in Bargello. This stitch is basic, but not every scheme is based solely on it. Bargello stitches can increase and decrease if the pattern requires. The height of the next stitch is also changed. Alternatively, only the embroidery density remains - always 1 thread of the foundations between each two stitches. When embroidered with a square, the stitch often becomes horizontal, although this is achieved solely by a simple turning into operation.

Bargello allows you to use also oblique stitches. The stitch the Christmas tree is obtained by crossing the threads at the base. In this case, the threads go at an angle, the stitches are mirrored, and the greater the angle between stitches, the thicker it turns out the Christmas tree. Thanks to this stitch type, the pattern is even more convex. Bargello stitches may not cross, stacking in parallel, then embroidery goes into a simple counting smooth. Often, only some elements are embroidered in Bargello, forming the framing for the main pattern, because oblique stitches do not transmit the basic beauty of this technique.

Basic motives

Gorgeous Bargello. Ideas, Technique, Schemes

Bargello has several types of drawings. Scheme stitches allows you to form drawings with sharp peaks. Bargello in such stitches looks like lightning or zigzags. The embroidery of such patterns is in width. Florentine embroidery provides for the application of a number of one color, then the other and all of them pass in one direction. Each next stitch is lowered either rises for 2 threads relative to the previous one.

Bargello technology does not require exclusively identical patterns, each diagram provides for the possibility of displacement of the pattern and additions to its new colors.

To create a second-popular Bargelly stitch, only just mirror reflect the zigzag patterns from top to bottom. It turns out a strip of rhombuses with sharp angles, which is called the carnation. Sew this pattern Bargello should also be first one color over the entire length of the drawing, and after - change color.

A more complex Bargello embroidery scheme. The form depends on the location of the stitches relative to each other. The highest class can immediately determine how wide to have them to get the arch of the desired width. A scheme drawn on paper or immediately on the fabric comes to the rescue. If the stitches rise by 2.3 and more threads, repeating in one place for 1 time, the arch is high and narrow. To obtain a wide arch Bargello, some stitches are repeated at their height and only after that rose by 1-2 threads, where they are repeated without lifting.

Florentine embroidery is often associated with a flame, as the most popular pattern. Such a flame is not so simple, however, having mastered the previous Bargello techniques, it can be created surprisingly simple. The flame is an open arch. Special class if the arch is large closed below the smaller, deployed mirror. Inside such a figure, the series of stitches are located, whose color is only slightly different from the color of the contour. The following row should differ from the previous one another 1-2 tone. Plug tones and creates the famous flame Bargello.

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