Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood


Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood

Harry Greenwood (Garry Greenwood) One of the most famous Masters-innovators of Australia, skill in working with the skin brought him world glory. He was born in 1943, in the county of Kent, England, studied art and design at the art school, in 1962 emigrated to Australia, where he worked as a freelance designer artist, and in 1972 he moved to Tasmania, where he founded his studio.

Before his death in 2005, he worked exclusively with the skin, creating bizarre sculptures and musical instruments. He believed that the skin was the most unexplored material in art.

In his studio, in Tasmania, among the magnificent Mountains Barrow, Harry Greenwood, a vibrant ideas creates its bright and fantastic sculptural forms.

Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood

Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood

Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood

Leather Deals Master Harry Greenwood

His work was always dragging the rope between logical and illogical, rational and irrational, serious and playful. His extraordinary freedom of imagination, in combination with the study of the acoustic properties of the skin for more than two decades, literally spawned new sounds, new acoustic capabilities that are generated by sculptural objects.


Horn "Wind Shape" Harry Greenwood

What is only a six-meter mountain "Wind shape" made of leather.

Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood

Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood

Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood

Leather Affairs Master - Harry Greenwood

leather affairs mastergarry grinwood

The work of this master is widely represented in corporate and private collections in Australia, USA, Canada, Europe and Japan.

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