Woolen skirt from motifs


The woolen skirt from motifs is crocheted.

Skirt from crochet motifs photo
The description is given for size S / M (L / XL). County hips 85-95 (110-110) See

Skirt circle in finished form - 90 (105) See length 75 cm.

The size of one motive for sizing S / M is 95.5 cm in width. For size L / XL, each motive knit freely - 10 cm in width.

For knitting, it will take 6 (7) in black and 7 (8) machines of gray yarn (100% wool, 98 m / 50 g); Hook 5 mm.

Knitting skirts from motifs.

Motive A: 1st Circle knit gray yarn, 2nd and 3rd circles knit black yarn.

Motive in: 1st Circle Knit Black Brenards, 2nd and 3rd Circles Knit Gray Yarn.


Perform a chain of 6 remuneration. Loops and close the circle with a connecting column in the 1st loop of the chain.

1st Circle: 3 Lift Air Loops (they are considered for 1 column with Nakud), 2 columns with Nakid to the center of the circle of 6 removals. p., * 3 Rest. loops, 3 columns with Nakud in the center of the circle **; Repeat from * to ** 5 times, 3 rewards. Loops, close a number of the connecting column in the upper lifting air loop, complete the knitting of this thread.

2nd Circle: Attach the thread of another color under the chain of three water loops, 3 lifting air loops (they are considered for 1 column with Nakud), 1 Stage with Cathoid in the same arch formed by a chain of three air loops, 1 air loop, still 2 columns with Nakid to the same arch, Next * 2 Air loops, in the next arch 2 Stage with Nakid, 1 Air loop and 2 columns with Nakid to the same arch **, repeat from * to ** 4 times, 2 Air loops and close a number of connective column.

3rd Circle: Connecting column at the top of the column with the Nakada of the previous row, the connecting column in the arch of 1 V. p., 3 Air loops for lifting, 2 air hinges for the formation of Arch (5 air loops), 1 column with an attachment to the same arch of 1 air loop, then * 2 air loops, 3 columns with an arc in the arch of two plants. Loops of the previous row, 2 remuneration. Loops, 1 column with Caida in the next arch from one place. loops of the previous row, 2 air loops and 1 column with Nakid to the same arch **; Repeat from * to ** 4 times, 2 places. Loops, 3 columns with Nakada in the last arch of two plants. Loops, 2 remuneration. loops.

Clickline a number of connective column in the third lift loop. Cut the thread and fix the "tails".

Thus, 38 motifs A and 46 motifs V.

Half hexagon.

Dial a chain of 6 air loops.

1st row: 2 columns with Nakud in the fourth loop from the hook, * 3 air loops, 3 columns with nakid to the next loop **; From * to ** knit 2 times. Cut and print thread.

2nd row: Attach a thread of another color to the top of the first column of the previous series, 3 lifting air loops, 1 column with an attachment in the same loop of which rises lifting loops, * 2 Wards. Loops, 2 columns with Nakida in the next arc of three air loops, 1 air loop, two columns with Nakid to the same arch **; From * to ** Knit 2 times, then 2 air loops, 2 columns with Nakud in the last loop of the previous row.

3rd row: 5 air loops (3 lifting loops + 2 loops for arches), * 3 columns with an attachment to the next arc from 2 remuneration. Loops, 2 remuneration. Loops, 1 column with Nakid in the arch from 1 remote. Loop, 2 remuneration. Loops, 1 column with Nakid to the same arch, 2 remuneration. Loops **, from * to ** Knit 2 times, 3 columns with Nakud to the next arch of 2 remuneration. Loops, 2 remuneration. Loops, a column with Nakida in the last column of the previous row. Cut the thread and hide "tails".

Run 4 halves Motive A and 2 halves Motiv V.

Thanks to Elena Melnikova for help in transferring this description. Detailed lessons for knitting a hexagonal motive can be viewed on the website "Knitted History begins" (press).


Dispatch ready-made motifs on a flat surface according to the scheme and combine each other. Then connect the finished web forming the skirt.

Skirt from crochet motifs photo

Black thread is performed by the top edge of the skirt 140 (160) columns with Nakud in a circle.

Track. Circle: 1 tbsp. With Nakud in each art. previous circle.

Repeat the last circle again.

Track. Circle: 2 tbsp. With Nakud, 1 Wait. loop (skip 1 tbsp. previous circle), * 4 tbsp. With Nakud, 1 Wait. loop (skip 1 tbsp. previous circle), repeat from *, finish 2 tbsp. with nakid = 28 (32) ribbon holes.

Track. Circle: 1 tbsp. With Nakud in each art. and wealth. Loop of the previous circle.

Repeat the last circle 2 more times. Stritch, cut off and hide thread.


Black thread perform a chain from air loops desired length and turn through holes in the belt.

Skirt from crochet motifs photo

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