How to make a trash can for cottage from old plastic bottles


How to make a trash can for cottage from old plastic bottles

Dusting tanks perform an important task of maintaining cleanliness in cities. The abundance of garbage tanks in cities allows you to prevent pollution of the territories, and therefore all city inhabitants are interested in their existence. For the cottage or for the apartment, you can make a trash can from old plastic bottles and the tank assembly process will not take much time!

What will need to have to create a full-fiber durable trash can from plastic bottles?

Plastic bottles are often simply thrown into the garbage tanks, so ki's further use simply meaninglessly, many people believe. But in fact, even the garbage cans can easily be made from plastic bottles.

How to make a trash can for cottage from old plastic bottles

You can even bring an unusual case, as in one German town, the authorities sponsored the production of several dozen garbage tanks from plastic bottles to promote environmental protection and reduce the irrational ejection on the garbage plastic bottles.

To create a homemade tank made of plastic bottles, it will take quite a bit:

  1. Old bottle, it is desirable to take more important if the trash can be larger than.
  2. Long screwdrome screws.
  3. Scotch.

As can be seen from a rather short list, it will take quite a bit and everything you need in every home.

The strength of the garbage tank made of plastic bottles should not be too significant, so you can even use a tape, pre-correctly only prepare the bottle. But about everything in more detail!

The process of assembling the garbage tank made of plastic bottles

The process itself will not take a mass of time, as it is extremely easy to mount plastic bottles, and if you use waterproof tape, then the process of assembling the tank can be completed in an hour if it should be submitted.

First you need to remove all stickers from the bottle surface. You can do this with a knife or acute subject that can remove a surface layer of bottles without marriage. It is impossible to allow the knife to damage the bottle, otherwise it cannot be used in creating a tank.

As soon as the surface layer of bottles with stickers will be removed, it will take to start attaching each bottle to another with screws. Build immediately entirely on the screws a trash can not work. That is why it is required to collect a tank of bottles on compartments.

Each compartment will consist of a certain number of bottles connected together. Connecting with screws and screwdriver, screwing screws in the walls of the bottles. Similarly, you can also connect the bottles and vertically, screwing the long screws in the bottoms and the caps of the bottles.

Important! To connect bottles through the walls, it is worth using shorter-length screws than when connecting bottles of Bottles!

It is worth noting that the screws perfectly fasten the durable plastic bottles and do not tear the material. Therefore, it is necessary to use screws that are best suited for fastening all bottles in one design.

As soon as the round bakels from the bottle are assembled, it is necessary to connect them all into one solid design to use longer screws to connect bottles vertically through the caps and bottle snakes.

Cattle will strengthen the construction of the tank, as well as give it not only waterproof, but also the seamlessness, which is extremely important for garbage tanks. To wrap a scotch, the constructed design of bottles must be extremely neat.

The lid for the tank can be made independently from the same bottles, or find an old cover from under the pan. The main thing is to prevent something or someone extra in the trash can and isolate the garbage with an unpleasant smell inside the tank.

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