Homemade cough lollipops


Homemade cough lollipops

Candy of cough-excellent agent not only from cough. They help well with cough night attacks when the cough is so strong that it is impossible to stop. It is a pity, but pharmacy lollipops often do not cope with the task.

Here can help self-made lollipops. They are prepared on the basis of sugar syrup. Needly do it yourself!

Homemade cough lollipops

Candy of cough is an excellent tool not only with coughing, but also with a stubborn night cough when the attacks are so strong that you can not stop. Unfortunately, pharmacy lollipops do not cope with this task, so homemade candy-based candy-based lollipops come to the rescue. When, in my last winter, my child fell ill and coughed just at night that almost every night we called an ambulance, the doctor recommended me to make lollipops from cough myself, based on burnt sugar. I finished this option and now I make a prefingency candy from cough with herbs. And of course, do it yourself!

Herbal Candy Candy:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 glasses of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • A quarter of a glass of dried herbs (sage, wild cherry cream, elderberry). You can buy a ready-made collection from cough in a pharmacy (chest) and add a mixture of these herbs.

For 20 minutes, tomorrow the grass in the water on a slow fire, closing the pan with a lid. The press is made to strain the infusion and pour it back into the pan. Add sugar and honey, stir and bring to a boil, then carefully cook on slow heat. When heated, the mixture will be becoming increasingly viscous, so it is necessary to constantly mix it, best of all with a wooden spoon or blade. When the mixture becomes completely viscous and starts to form a thread, then you need to do the following: Caps a little syrup into a cup with cold water - and throw a frozen drop. If it is adhesive and sticks to the teeth, then you need to cook syrup some more. If you can spray a drop, then syrup is ready.

If the syrup begins to crystallize, then you can add some water to it and an additional spoonful of honey.

When the syrup is already ready and the drop dropped into a glass of cold water can be sprinkled, take a sheet of parchment paper and pour them a teaspoon of a drop of syrup close to each other (but leave the place to spread), cool and then remove the lollipies from the parchment sheet. Wrap each lollipop in the parchment or sweep them with sugar powder so that the lollipops will not stick together with each other. You can store them in a glass jar. Crystals and cook on to the desired consistency

Homemade cough lollipops

Herbal lollipops from cough (easy option):

To make lollipops even easier, you can not cook sugar syrup, with making honey lollipops with herbs.

  • 1 cup of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of dry herbs or a mixture of herbs (see above)

Preheat honey in a saucepan, add herbs. Cook on slow heat, and then remove honey from the fire, cover the cover and wrap for 10 minutes. Then strain the mixture of herbs and honey and recover it back into the pan. Now, follow the instructions above, heat the mixture on a slow fire, take a test on the hardness of the candy and remove from the fire. Boil the lollipops using a teaspoon on a sheet of parchment paper, let it be frozen, then wrap or cut in the sugar powder so that they do not stick to each other.

Homemade cough lollipops

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