Amazing ceilings


The most amazing ceilings adorning buildings and buildings around the world:

Chapel of the Royal College at Cambridge University (King's College Chapel AT The University Of Cambrigde)

Amazing ceilings

At a charitable evening, which was held in the University of Cambridge, the Parisian artist engaged in the digital projection named Miguel Chevalier (Miguel Chevalier) turned the chapel of the Royal College of the 16th century in the background for his hypnotic presentation with light effects. While every speaker spoke with a speech on the evening called "Dear World ... With respect, Cambridge," the chapel was filled with projections that skillfully reflected the main points of his speech.

Projections that were specifically designed for the famous chapel interior, or emphasized, or hid an incredible architecture of the building. The chapel is one of the best examples of perpendicular gothic design in the world, so it is interesting to look at her intricate scenery just so, without serve as a background for artistic skill of Chevalé.

Bridal bedroom in Palazzo Ducala Palace (Ducal Palace)

Amazing ceilings

Newlywed Bedroom (Camera Degli Sposi), also known as the painted room (Camera Picta) is a room covered with frescoes from illusionist paintings written by Andrea Mantegna. Companion is located in Palazzo Dukale, Mantua (Mantua), Italy. The room was painted between 1465 and 1474 and ordered Ludovico III Gonzaga Ludovico III. The painting is notable for using picturesque ferry and its illusionist painted ceiling.

The playful ceiling Manteny is a pseudo-hole that opens the blue sky, while small amurids playfully frolic around the balustrade.

Palazzo Dukal was built in the period between the 14th and 17th centuries, the Gonzaga family and became their royal residence.

Conceptual store "Starbucks" in Amsterdam

Amazing ceilings

In 2012, the Giant Coffee "Starbucks" opened a new concept store in the former bank building on Rembrandt Plumbrandtplein in the heart of Amsterdam. The cafe is located in the basement of the building in the fact that it used to be underground banking storage and it is not at all like standard stores "Starbucks". It is built from a combination of recycled and local materials - benches, tables, and an amazing ceiling consists of 1876 pieces of individually sawdust wooden blocks made of recycled Dutch oak. The walls of the building are lined with wooden panels, cycling chambers and antique tiles of the Delft brand. The design was developed by Liz Muller (Liz Muller), the conceptual director of Starbucks, which attracted 35 local artists and artisans to turn this historic space in the classroom cafe.

Light dome at Formosa Boulevard Station (Formosa Boulevard Station) in Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Amazing ceilings

This dazzling light dome is partially the metro station, partially a kaleidoscope and is considered the largest work of glass in the world. The dome consisting of 4500 panels was created by Narcissus Quagliata, the Italian designer, who called him "wind, fire and time." Given the spiritual appearance of this work of art, it is not at all surprising that he is offered as a place for mass weddings.

Heaven of Delight in the Royal Palace (Royal Palace) in Brussels

Amazing ceilings

At first glance, the "heavens of delight" look like a beautiful picture, but in fact it is made of 1,600,000 wings of emerald scarabs.

In the 19th century, the King of Belgium on customs allowed modern artists to live in the royal palace. This tradition died with King Leopold II (King LEOPOLD II) in 1909. Fortunately, Queen Paola (Queen Paola) is a passionate lover of art and decided to revive the custom, orders the artist Jan Fabre.

With the help of 29 young artists, Fabra created the heaven of delight, the fresco in the hall of the mirror (Hall of Mirrors) from the luminous wings of emerald scarabs. In this work of art, various forms are used, which are glowing with greenish blue light, depending on the angle under which they are considered.

Emerald beetles are not a guarded view, so Janu was easy to assemble them from countries such as Thailand, where they are eaten as a delicacy, and then use them for their art.

Grotto from shells in Palazzo Borromeo (Palazzo Borromeo) on the island of Bella (Isola Bella), Italy

Amazing ceilings

One of the most amazing places that can only be seen on Bella island is the grotto of seashells in Palazzo Borromeo. The majestic palace takes one side of the island, while his veil, ten long-tier gardens in the style of Baroque fill the opposite part of it. These two areas are connected by a grotto of seashells.

A series of six rooms was designed in 1685 Vitaliano VI Borromeo (Vitaliano The Sixth) using the Filippo Cagnulo architect. The construction took 100 years.

Rooms provide shelter from summer heat due to its coolness, like the one that can be felt in the caves. Each centimeter of these rooms, including ceilings, floors and arches, are covered with a mosaic of black and white shells and pebbles.

The ceiling of the fringe in the club "Monsoon Club" in Washington, District of Columbia

Amazing ceilings

Architects from London and Mumbai named Christopher Lee (Christopher Lee) and Kapil Gupta (Kapil GUPTA) completed their work on the "Monsoon Club" Multipurpose room for performances in the center of Kennedy Center in Washington, DC

This terraced artistic installation includes a three-dimensional carpet that was suspended above the main space, creating a dynamic and intimate atmosphere for this institution. The project was designed for the Indian Festival maximum (Maximum India Festival) in 2011.

Mirror ceiling in the winery "Beautiful Italy" (Bella Italia) in Germany

Amazing ceilings

Enjoy the warmth of Sicily and the best Italian wines in this wine store and restaurant in Stuttgart (Stuttgart), Germany. Winery is beautiful Italy, which occupies the first floor of a five-story brick house in the rustic style of Wilhelm's era, it looks at all noticeably outside. But if you go to a restaurant, you will be amazed by your own reflection that looks at you from more than 90 different mirrors attached to the ceiling. (If only the evil queen from Snow White knew about the existence of this institution!)

The eccentric interior of the restaurant was created by German architects Gunter Fleitz (Gunter Fleitz) and Peter Ippolito (Peter Ippolito) from IPPolito Fleitz Group.

Sheikh Lutfulla Mosque (Sheikh Lutf Allah Mosque) in Isfahan (ISFAHAN), Iran

Amazing ceilings

Construction of the Sheikh Lutfulla Mosque was completed in 1619 after almost 20 years and today it is a great and detailed public architectural monument. Nevertheless, when it was originally built, it was a private and luxurious place of worship for Shah Abbas I (Shah Abbas I) and women of his yard.

The abundant of artfully declined lines of the koranic poems and multicolored mosaics of the mosque looks truly royal. Each tile was put with accuracy, and the main dome is decorated with peacock, which changes color and shape, as light reflects from the interior of the mosque.

Toledo Metro Station (Toledo Metro Station) in Naples, Italy

Amazing ceilings

If you are looking for a reason to go to Naples, we can offer you - Metro Art Stations in Naples. The art metro program exists already long enough and artists, designers and architects are involved in it. Among them can be found such famous names like Alessandro Mendini (Alessandro Mendini), Anish Kapoor (Anish Kapoor), Gae Aulenti Jannis Kounellis, Karim Rashid, Michelangelo Pistoletto (Michelangelo Pistoletto) and Sol Levitt (Sol Lewitt).

One of the most beautiful stations is the 13th Art Station of the Naples Metro, known as Toledo Metro Station. She was opened in September 2012. The Spanish architectural company called "Oscar Tusquets Blanca" worked on her design.

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