7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins


7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins

Dining napkins are affordable and cheap material with which you can decorate any holiday. The homemade decor made of paper napkins is easy to implement on any subject. Despite their simplicity, decorations that are obtained from the napkins are quite creative and beautiful. The editorial office of Novate.Ru offers a selection of original ideas that will come up with both adults and children.

1. Butterfly

7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins
Easy and magical decor will suit both for the children's holiday, and a romantic evening.

Beautiful butterflies not only flutter on the street, but also decorate the dining table. Make such an original decor is quite simple, you will need only paper napkins, thin wire and scissors. First, the napkin is flexed in half (the place of the bend is left at the top), and then its side parts are refilled inside to turn out to be a triangle. The extreme top corners are then rising to the upper point, forming a rhombus. After that, the triangle must be flipped over and combined its top with the base. Then you need a little bend the resulting product in half, and folded into two layers with wire turn the napkin on both sides. From it we will do the mustache. If the ends are too long, they need to cut off with scissors. The bowed butterfly is ready and can please guests or household at the table.

2. Minions

7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins
Bright and colorful decor for any fun holiday.

Now in the store you can find a bright variety of shades of napkins, which gives a huge potential for creativity. If you buy yellow or orange paper napkins and make holders in the form of a glazing for them, then creative and funny minions will turn out. Make them will not be difficult: the eye consists of five circles of different diameters and black strips of the base. At first there is a gray color of the largest mug, then a smaller diameter of yellow color, then a little less than white, and then the pupil itself is black and brown. Circles are placed on each other. And if in addition to the decor there are devices with a blue handle - it turns out very cool.

3. Big numbers for the holiday

7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins
The digit from roses will be an excellent additional gift to the main gift.

Over such a decor will have to work a lot, but the result is worth it. We form small roses from paper napkins, one color can, and you can multi-colored, depending on the effect of which you want to achieve. Then you need to prepare the foundation of the cardboard in the form of the number, the letter or the desired form, for example, the heart or sign of infinity. After that, we stick paper rosettes for the basis. Such a gift to do well on memorable dates, anniversaries, weddings. You can arrange an original beautiful photoson.

4. Sound and beautiful ballerina

7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins
A simple version of dancers on the table for which a cardboard or wooden base is needed.

Stylish decor, which is able to give the room and the table a special atmosphere. To make a ballerina, you will need multi-layer napkins, white threads, scissors, dense wire, which is well held by shape, glue, needle and transparent fishing line. First, it is necessary to form the foundation for the ballerina from the wire. It is not necessary to pay a lot of attention to the details, the main thing is that it looks like: there was a head, body, hands and legs elegantly raised or elongated. Multilayer napkins are separated by thin parts, and then fold as for cutting the snowflakes. The bottom cut the semicircle for the dress. From one napkin need to make stripes with a width of 1-1.5 cm, in order to wrap the body frame. Clay paper will help glue.

Helpful advice: Beautiful folds appear on the ballerina dress, you need to twist a triangle with a rounded bottom several times clockwise, and then several times counterclockwise.

The puff of the skirt can be adjusted by creating one or more layers of napkins. It can also be done more original if the length of the layers will be different. To make the dress well on the ballerina's waist, first in the center of the napkin you need to make a hole and put on the figure, and then fasten to the thread and pulling. To make the decor look better, it is recommended to make a few ballerinas in different poses and place on the table or hang on threads, then they will be beautifully spinning from any movement in the room.

5. Carnations

7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins
Bright, simple and tasteful.

Flowers made of paper napkins - a simple and beautiful way to decorate a table or tray with a romantic breakfast. Carnations can be made of white napkins, then they will have to cut a little with a marker along the edges, or from colored napkins of any shade. From the wire forming the stem and leaves, wind their strips from green wipes and fasten with glue. The flower itself is made from the napkin, folded by the harmonica or carved petals.

6. Water Lilia

7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins
Gentle decor for the holiday or cozy evening.

A waterway from a paper napkin looks gently and beautiful, decorating a festive table. For such a decor, you will need several napkins folded in half in unequal proportions, corners up. The flower is formed gradually, first the middle filled, then it becomes slightly more and more until it becomes like a real pit.

7. Hearts

7 ideas how to make the original decor of simple napkins
Romantic decor for a holiday or gift.

Such a composition can decorate not only the table. Hearts are formed from small pieces of paper napkins, rolled into the tube. First you need to make a lot of tubes, fastening them with glue or thread in the tone, and then collect the composition as a heart. The basis can be made of a mug, a cup of coffee or a flower pot.

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