How coffee with ease solves serious household problems


How coffee with ease solves serious household problems
First of all, coffee certainly helps to wake up in the morning and start the day in a good and energetic mood. But this is not the only way to use it. Coffee is able to easily solve serious household problems.

1. Smell in the refrigerator

How coffee with ease solves serious household problems

Coffee can be used as air freshener in the refrigeration and freezer. To do this, the dried thick should be shifted into a plastic box from under margarine or oil, breaking through a few holes in the lid. Now coffee will absorb all unpleasant odors.

2. Undercalinking plants

How coffee with ease solves serious household problems

The coffee ground is full of all sorts of nutrient elements, for example, nitrogen, so it can be safely used as fertilizer for plants loving acidic soil. These are roses, azalsa, camellia. You just need to periodically be a thick on the flower beds or in the pots and observe how flowers grow.

3. Fragrant soap

How coffee with ease solves serious household problems

For those who boil home toilet soap, coffee thickness - an indispensable component of the recipe.

4. The smell of garlic

How coffee with ease solves serious household problems

There is nothing worse for the hostess, if her hands smell the kitchen a few hours after cooking. Therefore, the shell certainly need to keep a box with coffee grounds. Losing her hands, it will be possible to remove any smell, even garlic.

5. Cat on flowerbed

How coffee with ease solves serious household problems

Who would doubt that the cat wipes the flower bed with the most expensive and valuable instances of colors. To pay it from there, you need to mix coffee thick and peel of orange and sprinkle with a mixture of the soil. The cat will now go around this place to the tenth road.

6. We clean the fireplace

How coffee with ease solves serious household problems

Before reciprocating ash from the fireplace, it is worth sprinkling her wet coffee grounds. It will not allow the smallest dust to take off and get dirty everything around.

7. Clean the dishes

How coffee with ease solves serious household problems

Coffee thickness is an excellent abrasive agent that will help remove dirt from the dishes. Just throw a handful of thick, well three surface frying pan and rinse

8. Shampoo

Fast fat hair can be a bit to be treated, moving them away from coffee. They will remain clean much longer.

9. Body Scrub

This is perhaps a classic recipe that does not become less useful from this. By the way, it is possible to experiment with the composition.

10. And for the face

Do not think that the face for the face is too tough. Just in such a scrub, it is better to add coconut or almond oil. Then he acts as a very soft abrasive.

11. From dark circles

Circles under the eyes will become less noticeable if you put coffee on this problem zone. Caffeine tones tired skin and stimulates blood circulation.

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