Decorate the hanger with flowers from plastic bottles. Very beautiful idea. Master Class


The designer offers us to decorate the hanger with a plastic bottle with flowers. Flowers are covered with acrylic paint.

That was a hanger before the work of the Master's Golden Hands)

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Decorate the hanger with flowers from plastic bottles. Very beautiful idea. Master Class

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For work we need ordinary plastic bottles

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Next: the text of the author

Cut from a bottle of 3-4 mug of different diameters.

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We divide each circle on 6-8 parts (or even more if you want to create, for example, Astra or Georgine)

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Cut the flower as I have or you can sharpen the tip if it is, for example, Narcissus ..

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Now the most interesting thing .. We start burning our billets over the candle. The most important thing is to adversely. Keep in mind - plastic melts very quickly or if the second will turn to the progulin very quickly and it will have to start all over again .. But somewhere to 2-3 flower, I think that you will understand what this line will be caught. When it is enough .. and first the flower edge:

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Then we turn over and warm over the middle so that the petals are slightly bent to the center .. external - less, those that will be in the center - to hold a little longer ..

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By the way, pay attention - Galina Spring suggests pinching the center of the flower between coins so that it remains notified .. I did without them, but perhaps you will like her way .. Try it and so ..

So I have three blanks of different diameters:

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We collect them in the flower:

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True, they are already so very good? It is quite possible to stop at this, place a middle and a very beautiful decoration is ready!

To me, to fit the style chosen by me I had to go further. For what I just took the acrylic paint of three colors

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And without mixing them between themselves (took to the brush so that each color appears on a little bit), pierced my workpieces on both sides, trying to make them more or less similar to the petals of the real flower: the rapids are more saturated color, and the petals in the center also darker ..

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You can make stamens from the same plastic. Cut the circle, we cut thin, like a chamomile and slightly smelting over the candle. Ready! I painted my gold paint.

That's all. I pierce the middle of a seboard or knife, insert the brids and admire the result!

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