How to find a place for children: 6 tips


How to find a place for children: 6 tips

Is it possible to equip a children's one-room apartment? The problem, which is not more relevant in the light of the apartment question, is acutely standing in front of modern young families. We tried to figure out this difficult situation and found the whole 6 possible outputs from it.

1. Together more fun

One way to solve the problem can be uniting the kitchen and room in a single space. The resulting room will become a spacious studio, which, with competent zoning, contain all the necessary functional zones.

Pros: visually the apartment will become more, and a thoughtful approach to the choice and location of furniture will allow placing full-fledged beds for a child and for parents.

Cons: There is no private space for a child and no isolated bedroom for parents; Almost all possible functions of the apartment will focus in one room; costs of redevelopment and time for coordination; When the bearing wall between the kitchen and room, the option becomes impossible.

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

2. All divided equally

Another way to allocate a place for children in a one-room apartment is to conditionally divide the living room into two parts with a sliding structure. So that the sunlight penetrates into part of the room remaining without the window, stop the selection on a transparent or translucent partition. When necessary, it is possible to accompany it with tight curtains: they will add privacy and serve as an additional sound insulation.

Pros: the presence of two relatively insulated zones for the child and parents; the ability to push the septum if necessary and obtain a single space; The solution is simple and not too expensive.

Cons: One of the parts of the room will be the passing area. Depending on the planning of the apartment and the location of the bearing walls, this minus can sometimes be bypass by arranging an additional access to the hallway or kitchen from the residential room.

Also, the separation of the room into two parts will be conditional. It is impossible to build a full-fledged wall: redevelopment, in which the living room remains without a window, contradicts legislation; Weak insolation of one of the zones.

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

3. Two in one

Another way that does not involve redevelopment and device of additional structures is to highlight the children's zone in the residential room. A wide selection of zoning techniques will allow without partitions and the walls to visually divide the room for the children's and adult parts.

Pros: the option does not require redevelopment and partition devices, enough zoning techniques.

Cons: Neither parents nor a child have a private space; Some zoning options can make a room visually smaller; The functions of the bedroom, children's and living room will fall on one room, which puts the placement of a full-fledged double bed. Minus you can get around, equipping the kitchen-living room.

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Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

4. Saving loggia

If the apartment has a loggia, it will become a real salvation in a lack of space. You can attach it and win a few square meters, and you can equip the cabinet there for a child there.

Pros: the child will have a private space; Redevelopment for such a solution is not required; The apartment adds a few square meters of useful area.

Cons: a full-fledged children's room equipped loggia, alas, it is difficult to call; If the loggia is not insulated, you will need to do it. The process is quite expensive, especially if the glazing replacement is required.

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Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

5. All the best - children

No matter how cool, the psychologists of the whole world unconditionally agree that the child should have its own room. The output from the situation for the owners of odnunches can be an option, in which the only room will become a nursery, and the kitchen will accommodate a folding sofa for parents. Especially relevant such a solution for families with two or more children.

Plus: The child receives its own territory for life and development.

Cons: kitchen functions, bedrooms, living rooms focus in one room; Place a full-fledged bed for parents with this option simply nowhere; If initially the kitchen is extremely small, such a solution can be impossible. By law, it is impossible to increase the kitchen at the expense of the residential room.

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on
Photo: in style, children's, small apartment, tips - Photo on

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