We sew comfortable bags


There are no bags a lot. In addition to large, severe on their own weight, yes uncomfortable. And therefore, no matter how much ideas are, they all cost attention. Today I fell very interesting, practical and master classes

Patchwork. Simple and pretty.

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Smears from stripes, suitable for fabrics. The stripes are easiest to launch on the lining - the process will go faster, and the bag will be stronger.


Curious market bag - with many compartments. And handles - pay attention - delay

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Bags-bags for the market are offered in two versions: large and small, which is very practical. We ourselves can make and medium size - it will get a big set


Here he is a small option

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And here are the schemes with small explanations in my translation and interpretation:

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1 center. And the location of the unprocessed edge of the case. Size 34, 5 cm.

2. Layer of Muslin of the same size - lining. Sew top edges together to make a scene. (Diagram 3). Email the edges of the scenes twice to be tight.


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4. Connect the pins two bags together. Sust all the ribs are, leaving 10 cm open along the bottom edge of the layer for plowing bags (diagram 4). Crop corners. Sew open seams.


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5. We form the bottom for the bag (chart 5). The width of the base of the triangle, which will pass the line, about 4 cm. Excess fabric (triangle) cut off.

6. Soak the bag on the right side. Insert the lining: the left side to the left side

7. Insert the cord in a circle in a row. The ends of the cord-braid overlap on a centimeter-one and a half. Firmly sewing-flashing through all layers.


Bag-wallet-cosmetic bag on a soft laying

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22 "(inches) = 56 cm; 18" (inches) = 46 cm

Cut oblique bays to process outdoor seams

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Batting for strip

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Clean the details from batting

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You can carp the bag here on the ethim drawing. Just printed by increasing to the required size. These are the main details of the bag. Right (small) - side parts. On the same scheme, the bag is going to

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This is how the collected bag looks like

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How to sew a cand finishing and simultaneously firming

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From different flaps you need to sew packages in which it is convenient to store cellophane packages, napkins, cosmetic napkins. In short, all that we sometimes fold with a pile

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Bag from canvas.

I liked the dark bottom from the sturdy tissue and the same handles. Dark bottom allows you to put a bag nearby, and not keep it in your hands

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Of course, decorative and expressive fabric for the main part of the bag, but this is how it will work out.

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