How to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands


How to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands

Equipment of the automated drip irrigation system is handled, the case is very complex and under the power not every gardener gardener. Because of its high cost and complexity of the device, the automated drip irrigation systems are not very popular among summer houses.

How to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands

But, the one who was able to establish such a system of watering on his garden plot, do not regret the spent money and time on the installation.

Cons of conventional watering methods

The simplest and most common methods of irrigation of country sites using Lek, the hose connected to the water supply has a large number of flaws. One of the main, it is just a huge consumption of water, most of which does not give any benefit by the plant, staining in the furrow not having time to absorb in the ground near the plant. In furrows, it either evaporates, or absorbed into the soil, where there are no roots of plants. The next disadvantage is uneven support of plant moisture. It falls either in excess, or in smaller than necessary quantities. It also matters water temperature. Water from the plant for plants is too cold, because of this it is necessary to withstand some time in a certain container so that it acquires optimum temperature for watering. However, this is a very time-consuming process that takes a lot of time, as well as forces, especially in hot and Dry weather.

Also, there are a lot of deficiencies with spraying, which occurs using various devices spraying water that is often used for watering vegetable beds and herbal lawns. In this case, water consumption is also significantly higher than the plants themselves fall. Most moisture does not reach the root system of plants and evaporates. In addition, when watering in this way, the leaves of plants are wetted with water, which is undesirable for some crops. For example, tomatoes in which this leads to the development of various diseases.

Positive sides of drip irrigation

Unlike the remaining widely known watering methods, the drip of watering does not have all these minuses. Water consumption is very economical, the plant receives it in the required quantity and it is in the right place - in the root zone. This method is very well suited for watering vegetable beds, fruit trees and berry shrubs, various alive hedges and flower beds.

How to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands

Drip watering with droppers

A system of drip irrigation of good quality can be made with your own hands at home. But first it is necessary to discard the mind to make all parts of this system independently. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of precious time, and your system may turn out to be inoperable. But, if you all decided to make a drip irrigation system, in this case it is necessary to purchase all system components and mount a high-quality and durable irrigation system that will work for a very long time with your minimum participation.

Materials required for installation of drip irrigation system

Dropper. The elements of the droppers are the most important components of this irrigation system. All operation of the drip irrigation system depends on their functional purposes. There are droppers with adjustable water supply and unregulated. The volume of water supply is within 2 - 20-liters per hour. Droppers are still divided into compensation and not compensatory. The drops of the first type retain the constant pressure of the water, despite the water pressure in the water supply. It is better to approach the droppers adjustable.

Splitters. They are also called "spiders". They stick to droppers, and they should correspond to the number of droppers. Spiders have from two to four outgoing fittings.

Microtubes. These plastic thin tubes wear on the reducing fittings and are designed to supply water directly to the water watering point.

Racks. Such elements are installed to the watering point and are intended for attaching microtubes to them.

Distributing or distributing tube. One of its ends is attached to the supply pipeline, and the next closes with a special plug. On the sides of the distribution tube, drippers are attached, with microtubes and "spiders" neatly connected to them. The distribution tube has a diameter of about 16 millimeters, and the wall thickness of 1.1 millimeters. The distribution tube together with all parts connected to it is the main module of the drip irrigation system. Depending on the size of the irrigated area, the number of such modules depends. For example, in order to accomplish directly in the greenhouse of small sizes, two digit tubes are required in the assembly.

Startcunders. To carry out fasteners of laying tubes to the appropriate water supply, special fittings are needed. Before installing startplots in the supply water supply, you need to drill a hole in which you need to insert the starting system. Printing a clamping nut. What is on the starting engineer, you can make a seal.

How to make a drip irrigation system with your own hands

Water filter. It is erroneous that is the opinion that water in the water supply is very clean. The normal functioning of the drip irrigation system depends on the purity of water. After all, a small amount of dirt or a small piece of rust in tap water can lead to closure of thin holes of the dropper, which is why the water will not be able to evenly flow to the plants. Before you purchase a filter, you need to get acquainted with the brand, technical characteristics, productivity, which, depending on a specific model, can vary widely. In order to determine the necessary performance, you need to know the exact number of droppers that will be finally installed on the site. By multiplying the number of droppers on their consumption, you can determine the required filter performance, to provide clean water of all droppers. Water filter joins the pipeline pipe.

Connecting fittings. This element is intended to connect all parts of the watering system: tees, fittings, fittings, cranes, pressure compensators. With the help of cranes, it is possible to open or block the flow of water into separate sections of the garden. To adjust the water pressure in the system use pressure compensators.

Such a drip irrigation system is very reliable and operated very long. The period of its service is an average of eight or twelve years. Equiping such a system of watering your site, you can forget for a long period about water problems during watering.

Drip watering with your own hands

About the drip watering, we began to think about the first year of our gloomy. Drip watering helps maintain the soil in a wet state in beds during a long lack of hosts. Especially in this need cucumbers and cabbage. Yes, and water the beds with the help of a drip irrigation system is much easier: opened the crane and plants are watering.

You can buy ready-made hoses for drip irrigation, but we decided to do everything yourself. Finished hoses thin-walled, birds can damage them with the beaks. And we have many large birds, therefore they choose on plastic pipes for water supply. These pipes are very comfortable: it is easy to cut with ordinary hacksaw or special scissors. We use them for the water supply device in the house, in the garden and in the garden.

Bought 200 m bay, pipe diameter - 2 cm, wall thickness 2 mm. By the way, it is not at all difficult and compact, will meet in any passenger car.

Plastic pipes for water supply

Almost all the beds we have the same length, the same pieces of plastic pipe are cut.

We make drip watering

In the pipes, the screwdriver makes holes at a distance of 50 cm from each other on one line. All major plants are planted at such a zigzag distance. It is plastic pipes there is a blue strip that helps not be knocked out.

We make drip watering

By gardening, the water supply system is divorced using a variety of connecting elements.

Wiring of plastic pipes in the garden

For plugs at the ends of the beds, they have not picked up anything and make wooden plugs.

We make drip watering

For drip iris took used medical disposable droppers. Plastic end is tight inserted into the plastic pipe. The droplet wheel allows you to smoothly change the amount of water supplied.

We make drip watering

For cucumbers in which drip watering is permanently enabled, the system is adjusted so that the water comes with droplets.

We make drip watering

Tomatoes are poured less frequent, therefore, in their irrigation, water goes more actively for several hours. Then watering turns off.

We make drip watering

There was not enough medical droppers on all beds. While the holes were made by the smallest drill with a diameter of 1 mm. As soon as the droppers appear, insert them, drilled holes.

We make drip watering

This is how drip watering looks like in the late bed of cucumbers. The hose lies in the middle of the bed, the plants are located on the right and to the left of it Zigzag. The ends of the droppers are laid near the roots of cucumbers.

We make drip watering

And on the early cucumbers, watering was made when the scourge had already grown very much and did not let go in the middle of the garden. The pipe is laid on the side, and the ends of the droppers are distributed in the right places.

We make drip watering

Transparent tubes and droppers over time can from the inside to score with growing algae growing up, so we plan to paint with dark paint outside.

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