Breakfast table in his own hands - Morning romance every day


Breakfast table in his own hands - Morning romance every day

And let's do it Breakfast table in his own hands After all, each at least once in life should enjoy a delicious breakfast in bed! But many have no special table for breakfast.

So I tried to use a tray, all sorts of remedies, everything is not convenient and not aesthetically somehow.

Therefore, it was decided to make a table with their own hands, of course, from a tree, the most affordable and beautiful - pine. We needed a scheme and design is also simple, but worthy. Found, I tried, I share with you ...

Immediately I will say, do not worry, you can make a table almost everyone, it is not necessary to own complex carpenter skills and have a bunch of machine tools and tools.

Here is what you need for the manufacture of a homemade table for breakfast:

- A pair of 2 * 4 * 200 for the manufacture of legs and kart

- Furniture shield in the same size, which table is planted.

- water-based varnish with a brush

- Screws and nails

From the tools it would be nice:

- Frequency, ruler and pencil

-A hammer

- Dog with fine tooth or jigsaw

- Runtime or screwdriver

- drill or hand sweeps for wood (to drill holes for screws and make them flush

- Files and skirt

The list was released, but if necessary, it can be reduced by twice.

Breakfast table in bed do-it-yourself - Tools and materials

That's actually all the story. Further telling how to make a table for breakfast in the bed with my own hands I do not see the point, see pictures there everything is intelligible and better not describe.

Breakfast table in bed do-it-yourself manufacturer

But I will not resist and give the ladies only a couple of tips for the manufacture:

- We select the size of the table individually. First, based on the presence of a furniture shield or its price in the store. The choice is great there, but the price varies. Also very advise you to check the sizes on the bed and on yourself before starting work, so as not to guess.

- Use the stupid so that the sleeps are smoother and did not have to rub the seams as in the picture. Although carnations and screws in several places, if they cut the eye will have to be disguised with putty.

- clamps will greatly facilitate work on the table

- Invert the holes for screws, otherwise pine (and everything is done in the picture exactly from it) can give a crack and spoil all the impression. Screws Clean the flush also with a drill because The rails in the design are not thick and easily you can take a screwdriver and bring again to crack.

- And the last advice is well fitted parts in the table and wood pine, with good treatment of sleeps and edges, the skin looks beautifully. Therefore, do not diligence with varnishes. It is better to use water-mounted water based.

I hope I revealed the topic how to make a breakfast table in my own hands and you will gather your own to please yourself and loved ones in the mornings with pleasant breakfasts on a homemade table.

Breakfast table in his own hands

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