Arbolit do it yourself: work is useful for the family budget!


Arbolit do it yourself

I have long been looking for a way to create my brick or block, a lot of hasty mistakes were made, at first I did not succeed, threw everything, then returned.

And so because of its natural perseverance, I found this simple way in the manufacture of arbolit.

My principle of manufacturing Arbolit is very simple and accessible to everyone who wants to make its building blocks with their own hands. The first thing with this method does not need electricity, do not need machines and other mechanical devices, only your work and simple ingredients for the kneading solution. My proportions of the solution of the solution are as follows: one piece of cement, 2 pieces of sand, 4 pieces of sawdust, water. With water, you need to be careful not to flush, the solution should be semi-dry, so that when pressing and subsequent lifting the shape, our brick has not been rejected, and has retained the form. And so all the components need to be mixed before receiving, as I described a semi-dry solution. I messed this solution without the help of electrical devices, and a shovel on the iron sheet. We have such a good of humanity at the cottages, as no electricity. Regarding the solution, it seems to be described, now I will describe how I made a form for the manufacture of blocks.

For the manufacture of the shape, I took old boards from the old Soviet kitchen table, or the cabinet, in general, good polished tablets. Pouring very well when picked up the form, the whole process goes smoothly, then everything is perfectly visible on the video. And so it means sawing the size of 200 * 400 * 200, and twisted screws into a rectangle. And for the convenience of raising, screwed the lumps to the sides of the shape, and the knobs turned out from the ends. That's all the simple design, without investing any, of your funds.

And so now let's look in detail what I needed for the manufacture of Arbolit and how I did it.

Materials for the manufacture of form: Old polished board, screws, bar.

Instruments: Hacksaw, screwdriver, line.

Materials for the manufacture of a solution: Cement, sand, sawdust, water.

Instruments: Soviet shovel, roofing sheet, container for ingredients.

The first thing I do it start to collect the form, saw the board in size 200 * 400 * 200.

Arbolit do it yourself

Then I start twisting the resulting boards with each other.

Arbolit do it yourself

Next, I sawed and twisted the bars for the shape knobs.

Arbolit do it yourself

Dold on the form on the form and screwed as screws.

Arbolit do it yourself

It turned out such a rectangular shape with handles

Arbolit do it yourself

Arbolit do it yourself

So with the form I hope everything is clear, it's easier to nowhere. We now turn to the process of preparing the solution. I took cement, sand, sawdust, water.

Arbolit do it yourself

Then he prepared a place where I will do a solution, and simply put a roofing sheet to the ground.

Arbolit do it yourself

Next, it poured the components, as I described above one part of the cement, 4 pieces of sawdust, 2 pieces of sand and water I add gradually until the result will be visible to me, that is, a semi-dry solution.

Arbolit do it yourself

Then I mix all the shovel on the iron sheet.

Arbolit do it yourself

With mortar, I think everything is clear.

Now I come to the final stage, this is the manufacture of our block.

Here, everything is also quite simple, we fall asleep the resulting solution into the form, press the tapping spade from above.

Arbolit do it yourself

After the actions taken, I begin to understand the odds.

Arbolit do it yourself

Well, I raised the form, the block remained on the ground, and the matrix rearranged to a new place.

Arbolit do it yourself

And here is an arbolit ready.

Arbolit do it yourself

And I also want to add most importantly how much this production will cost at home. Components can be reached without money, except for cement. It means from the cement bag, we will succeed, somewhere about 40 blocks, the price for this product on the construction market is 30 rubles, multiply 30 by 40 will be 1200, I will submit 200 rubles for cement, we get 1000 rubles of saving your budget, and this oh how not Little if you planned to build a bath or garage for example. Here for example, I have a small bathhouse in my construction, only 3 thousand rubles went to cement, and the fill of the foundation, and the manufacture of blocks, even on the solution for the construction remains. So the savings are great, only the high cost of physical labor. Labor is useful for the family budget!

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