How optical illusions in clothing work


How optical illusions in clothing work

Optical illusions have long been extensively used in design and selection of clothing. We all know that white is full, the vertical strip is slightly, a narrow V-shaped neckline lengthens the neck. But not everyone knows that these effective axioms formulated not stylists and designers, but scientists. Today I would like to tell you about some optical illusions and the principle of their actions hope you will be interested.

Illusion of size perception

How optical illusions in clothing work

White square on a black background looks more black square on a white background, isn't it?

But in fact the figures are the same. It is on this illusion that the statement is based that white is full of, and black on the contrary. Such an effect of perception is as follows in the imperfection of the lens of the human eye. This illusion is explained by the phenomenon of irradiation (Latin - incorrect radiation): Bright items on a dark background seem more of their real sizes and, as if capture part of the dark background.

The effectiveness of this illusion in clothing is shown in the picture below.

How optical illusions in clothing work

Looking for a picture You probably noticed that the black insert looks already more than white, and also I think that you have noticed that regardless of the color of the insertion, such a division of the figure is painful pulls it out. That's where we must mention about Illusions of color.

This illusion is pretty simple and is that when separating clothing on parts, highlighted by different colors, it is possible to achieve the effect of the fitness of the figure.

How optical illusions in clothing work

How optical illusions in clothing work

On the illusion of color, in turn, is based Effect of "Form Destruction" , distracting this attention from problem areas of the figure, but keeping the overall silhouette of the costume.

How optical illusions in clothing work

The illusion of Wundt and the Illusion of Goering. Vertical lines in the drawings are absolutely straight.

How optical illusions in clothing work

The illusion of Goering, found by the German physiologist by E. Gering in 1861. Two vertical lines in the drawing are straight, but look exhausted out. Distortions are created due to the background formed by direct intersecting at one point. If you move the goreing figure above the waist line, it will create an impression of a volume in the chest or shoulders. If omit, in the field of hip.

How optical illusions in clothing work

The opposite effect produces the illusion of Wundt. Using the illusion of Wundt in clothing, it can be done so that the straight line will seem concave. The corresponding location gives some slightness of a complete figure and can more clearly express the waist.

How optical illusions in clothing work

These illusions designers are used both individually and together.

How optical illusions in clothing work

Illusion Stori. When changing the contrast from top to bottom, from dark to light, the figure of a person is visually pulled out, and vice versa, depending on what result you want to achieve.

To do this, there are fabrics with a degrad effect.

How optical illusions in clothing work

While he picked up pictures to demonstrate illusions, realized that not only Kate Winslet champion on the use of optical illusions in his clothes. Real champion ERVE LOURING WITH SWIMER CHOOSED ALREADY BANDAGES. What is not a dress, then optical illusion)))

How optical illusions in clothing work

How optical illusions in clothing work

This is not all optical illusions by which we can adjust the disadvantages of our figure, but I will tell you next time next time if you are interested.

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