Principles of Technology Ghanatever and a selection of good ideas


Principles of Technology Ghanatever and a selection of good ideas
Every year the number of people choosing needlework as a hobby grows and grows. This method allows not only to relax and distract from various everyday worries, but also to express yourself in creativity. One of the most popular types of work with hands is the Gaison. Principles of technology and a selection of ideas will be useful and interesting to many masters.

Principles of Technology Ghanatever and a selection of good ideas

Features of needlework

Principles of Technology Ghanatever and a selection of good ideas

To work in the style of the Gaucer, only 2 materials are most often used: threads and wires. If necessary, the Master can add all sorts of decor to the inventory: buttons, beads and other elements that make the product more original and beautiful.

Most often in this technique make earrings and flowers. The main plus of such a needlework is that you do not need to be a specialist to make a beautiful wire product. At the same time, all the necessary work will be able to easily find almost every home. Quite often, the masters make orchids, but you can show more fantasy and come up with something more unusual.

You can understand all the subtleties of the technique already after a couple of months after the start of studying it. After that, some talented needlewomen already give master classes, which allows you to get a good additional income.

History of technology

The ghanuer appeared before the 17th century in Brazil. It all started with the fact that the inhabitants began to wipe the algae and the different roots of aquatic plants on the branches, and after dried them, the original decorations were obtained. Of course, this was not yet modern technique, but only her prerequisites, but over time she gained the current appearance.

Especially popular such needlework was in Malta, including in the monasteries. The nuns made such jewelry for their abode. The crafts even got to the residence of Pope of Roman, the altar was decorated with such flowers, which was very liked by the clergy. After the technique has become famous worldwide. The name appeared from the Italian word CANUTIGLIA, which is translated as "thin twisted thread."

Types and master class

Each Master will be able to choose the most appropriate technique. In total, there are 2 main types of gods:

Principles of Technology Ghanatever and a selection of good ideas

  1. Traditional . This method implies that you need to wind the threads on the wire or fishing line. Such a type of equipment is ideal for beginner masters.
  2. Exquisite . In this case, beads put on the wire. The technique is much more complicated by the traditional method, however, it allows you to perform very spectacular and unusual crafts.

To learn how to create products in the style of the Gaucker, you should start with something simple. You can try to execute flowers.

This requires the following accessories.:

  • copper wire, 0, 5 mm thick and about 8 m long;
  • Silk, Iris or Moulin;
  • satin ribbon color of greenery;
  • base - needle or hook;
  • scissors.

Even a child can make a flower. Work occurs as follows:

Principles of Technology Ghanatever and a selection of good ideas

  1. It is necessary to cut off a couple of pieces of wire, 30-50 cm long and climb them.
  2. The wire should be squeezed and give it a kind of spring, and after opening.
  3. You need to get peculiar "droplets", and then crush them with threads on the helix so that those found the type of petals.
  4. The resulting petals should be combined into one bunch, and from the green ribbon to make stem. You can attach a bead in the middle of the petals.

Tips for specialists

The Gaucer only seems simple technique, in fact there are special techniques that allow you to improve the quality of the crafts. Experienced masters are divided by the following advice:

Principles of Technology Ghanatever and a selection of good ideas

  1. There are not only the threads of the desired color, but also materials painted paint for fabrics. If you use a second option, you can get the beautiful effect of blur.
  2. Do not bend a wire where it will rush into the eyes and look unattractive. It should be understood that he bent the wire several times, it can be simply reversed.
  3. If it is not possible to bend the wire, you can use the tools with nipples or pliers.
  4. It is better to cook the entire inventory in advance so that after not thinking where to take the necessary tools. It is important to take into account the type of materials. For example, in the case of threads, it should be remembered that there are thin, thick, glowing and so on.

Gaucuer is an exquisite technique that allows you to create amazing things. However, before making some craft, it is necessary to think carefully.

First, it is better to fulfill something simple, and after trying your strength in grand projects.

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