The second life of the country's inventory


The country's inventory is not durable, and sooner or later it comes into disrepair. But this is not a reason to utilize old hoses, trough or shovels.

It turns out that of them you can make a lot of interesting and beneficial items. We collected the best ideas!

Cashpot from tin trough

The second life of the country's inventory

It does not matter if the tin trough rotches or rusted the bottom, the metal frame can be used as a flower porridge or even the whole flower beds. It is only possible to pour in it the lands, put plants there and the stylish garden decoration is ready!

The lamp from the old shovel

The second life of the country's inventory

Who would have thought that out of the old shovel, it was not at all difficult to make an interesting lighting device, which perfectly decorate the interior or exterior of the cottage, and will also cause surprise among the guests.

Spacious basket of a leak hose

The second life of the country's inventory

The eternal problem of the dacket - the holey hoses, they are constantly changing. True, from this minus you can benefit, for example, create a spacious basket for harvesting from the old hose.

Railing from old rake

The second life of the country's inventory

Realits and dishes holders will never be superfluous in the kitchen, but not everyone is ready to spend on such amenities. In this case, you can use old rake instead of rail. It is interesting and unusual!

Sad sculpture from shovel

The second life of the country's inventory

Sooner or later, shovel rust, especially if they often remain in the open sky and fall under the rain. Such shovels are sorry to throw out, but also use them unpleasant. Then you can make an interesting garden figure, which will delight the eyes and scare from the squorters and other birds.

Unusual hours

The second life of the country's inventory

From old garden tools, you can make a lot of interesting and unusual things, for example, hours that do not interfere with the country.

Garden table from old shovel

In fact, not only a lamp or a garden figure, but also a stylish table can be made from ordinary shovel. It will be possible to rest after work in the garden or collect the company for kebabs.

The second life of the country's inventory

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