Glamor Battery


Glamor Battery

I am glad to welcome all members of the forum, needlewomen and inventors! On the street, the time of the World Flood and the wilderness. Therefore, we certainly needed to raise yourself to distract and raise the mood. And finally make your first MK.

The idea has long matured in my inflamed brain, and even the husband gave good. And the main thing is that the next day gave the same heat and until this beauty now do not touch!

Well, let's start finally. Initially, it was an old cast-iron battery with ten slave layers of paint. But it was not embarrassed at all and we painted the eleventh layer of silver paint on top .. Orthodox and strange relief from old layers of paint, by the way, only give solidity and history to this thing.


For the decor it took me: a braid of two species, an increase in and simple tape. About 7 meters

Paint acrylic silver in a tube with a spout for the contour.

Rhinestones are different in size and color.

Glue moment crystal, scissors, tweezers


I did everything for the first time, therefore, the sequence is such from exact to controversial on absolute improvisation. Therefore, the finishes of each branch were decorated first. The braid was glued only in the center of the edge slightly depart and create a shadow and an additional volume. Measured, cut off and glued at the time.

Radro radiator

Further it became clear that you need to close the seams on the top of the bridges, my second braid was perfectly suitable for this. Tapered, cut, glued at the time.

Interior decor

Interior Design


Now the most interesting painting under the retro monogram, patterns, curls. For this, I used paint in a tube with a thin and long nose. I started doing from the far edge just in case and correctly as it turned out very finely argued with the braid it became clear that a large drawing was needed.

Glamor Battery.

To begin with, I did patterns through the office, well, to reduce the time and reduce the labor intensity, but when the picture is everywhere looks more finished and fully.

Swarovski crystals

Glamor Battery

Glamor Battery

Glamor Battery

Then there was a test to introduce a purple cream in the pattern, but it was very painted and unnatural. A painful choice of rhinestones, some had to refuse, but purple Swarovski I still left .. how they shine, even for Tulle sparkle, indescribable and unfortunately the camera cannot display this (.

Glamor Battery

Glamor Battery

Glamor Battery

This is what looks in the interior. From far cameras, it does not display all the jewelry subtlety, but the mood of luxury is present!

Glamor Battery

Glamor Battery

Glamor Battery

Here is such a glamor battery. Or maybe this is not the end .. and it is not necessary to hide such a chic accessory in the interior under the box. I hope was helpful and inspired for art exploits) Create pleasure, be happy !!

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