Creativity as philosophy



In this article I want to share my story, which led me to the Fair of Masters.

My store works successfully on the platform for the handmade masters for a year.

For me, knitting carpets is not just a way of earning, this is a source of vitality.

I create a beautiful ... In order to look at the patterns, touching the reliefs, feeling the softness of your carpets, feel the tide of good, bright impressions. And so ... there is a desire to live again, rejoice, create!

Here is such a cycle of positive energy!

Creativity as philosophy

Why are carpets?

The idea to try to connect the rug came when something went wrong in my life!

The world around me, as if turned over, everything flew to Tar-Ta-Rha-Ry! Hands lowered.

It became a lot to read various philosophical articles on the Internet. Here there was also screaming pictures of very beautiful carpets, such as mandala.

Once, Yandex opened me a picture of a very beautiful carpet associated with Sofia Abramenkova. I decided to contact!

Several weeks of sighting search in the worldwide network, and I have already appeared schemes of designer products of Patricia Cristoffersen and MK from Alla Chikalova and Natalia Alimpiyeva!

The hook in the hands took and tied! Carpet flower lotus. I understood ... it's my!

Creativity as philosophy

Here it is - my hard under your feet when it seemed that I was lying in the abyss ... fell on a soft rug connected with your own hands!

Fall?! .... landing on a knitted carpet. Touch its hands, legs, feel the energy, woven in it with the hands of a person. And go up!

Everything came out! After all, step on the carpet - means go to another area.

Regardless of where the carpet is located on the wall or on the floor, it is created to be an entrance to a different space for creating a certain sceneous area for prayer or meditation. This is the very thing that was once defined as the "Temple inside us."

Creativity as philosophy

Carpets have long been a symbol of the universe. Many generations are transmitted techniques and ornaments from the master to the master.

The carpet is the center of the center of the house - the hearth, the fire.

The carpet supports heat in the house and decorates life.

Skillfully woven carpets admire. Mysterious characters are transferred to them. They are worried and inspired.

And, if the woven carpets of handmade is the embodiment of the heavenly beauty of the architects of temples, then small knitted carpets are rose, a round window on the facade with curly binding in the form of a star or a blossomed flower.

Creativity as philosophy

Carpets with floral motifs have the origins in the symbol of the Trend of Life - the Great Mother, which gives them a special sublime atmosphere.

The initial task of such a composition is the reflection of the heavenly world in the earth.

Be in the middle between the sky and the earth.

Such a carpet introduces the mood of harmony and calm in everyday life.

Here is such, damn, philosophy!

So much covered with emotions that the year flew in a passionate knitting. Forces, all the vital difficulties have been allowed to allow themselves for himself!

Inside each person there may be incredible energy. Creativity allows you to release it out, transforming into the most unpredictable forms!

Believe in yourself, do what you love ...

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