Album for the child


Album for the child

Many of us parents, and those short months while the baby is considered to be a baby, unforgettable. I want a child to have all the best and non-standard, but it is not always possible to buy a particular thing, subject, and so on. But there is an option to make a little fantasy and effort and make an extraordinary album in random style. The requirement is one thing - so that all materials and decor are combined with each other.

In many ways, it is impossible to buy things in advance for the baby in advance, but do it yourself an album in which all the best moments of the first year of life of the baby will be fixed, it is quite acceptable. Therefore, you need to stock:

- cardboard;

- braid;

- packaging paper;

- linen fabric;

- burlap;

- beads and details of the decor;

- glue.

Album for the child

Album for the child

First of all, it is necessary to make a cover. If there is an old book of the required format, you can use it. We are tightening with a fabric from the front side, and with the inner we glue the suitable tone of the packaging paper.

Album for the child

On the edge it is necessary to secure the braid, and for this we use a glue gun. Leave to dry out our workpiece, but still begin to make the inside of the album. Since we need to make a bulk inner, so that the photos and objects of the decor can accommodate there, then we will need cardboard. Cut it on a 3-cm wide strip, and bend it in such a way that two sides are folded.

Album for the child

We make as many details as we wish to get pages. But it is worth considering that it is necessary to achieve the details to be part of each other in the type of matryoshki.

Album for the child

Album for the child

Fix with glue bands of cardboard and crepaim to the cover. To do this, pierce three holes and a ribbon we connect the details with the cover.

Next, with the help of glue, you stead the sheets of cardboard in size 20 to 30 by investing them between two binding items.

Decorating the cover of the burlap, braid and everything that will appeal. Sometimes it is useful not to throw away the decor from old things, buttons, locks, etc. All of these parts can be used in the manufacture of an album.

Album for the child

Each page you can decorate cotton lace, beads, animal stickers. It all depends on the floor of the child and the taste of parents. In order to fix the photo use bilateral scotch, and if there is a desire to write an unusual text that only applies to your family, it will beautifully arrange memorable words on contrasting cardboard, which is also fixed on the page.

Such an album is suitable as a gift, and you can fantasize with the color and number of unusual parts.

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