He cut a paper cup and put it on a drill. Now I will do so always!


Repair is not always a joyful event. We constantly want to somehow improve your home, but often this occupation brings with you a lot of trouble. Especially when it comes to cleaning the room.

Today "so simple!" Prepared for you an excellent trick that will help you not to nimorivate, making a hole in the wall or a ceiling of the drill. To do this, you will need a plastic or paper cup (if you drill the ceiling) or sticky paper for notes (if you need to make a hole in the ceiling).

How not to mood the drilling walls

So, the first way is to drill the ceiling. Take a plastic or paper cup and put it on the drill so that all the garbage linked inside. If it is too tall, the resignation of the part you need.


The method of the second. If you need to drill the wall, covering her sticky piece of paper and lay it so that the garbage does not linger on the floor.


In this video, it is shown in detail how you can do it!

Who would have thought that everything was so simple. I will be happy to use these tips, because in the house there is always something to drill and attach, and these valuable tricks will get rid of the need to remove after that!

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