Cabinet in new clothes


Cabinet in new clothes
Cabinet in new clothes

If you buy an inexpensive closet, but you want him to have his own personality, it does not look serially, you need, as they say, attach hands. See some options for decorating cabinets.

What can be done with such a wardrobe.

Cabinet in new clothes
Clothing, as they say, makes a person - this old saying applies to our closet. Thanks to a piece of material purchased in IKEE (150 cm width) with a floral kaleidoscope and circles on a pink background, the cabinet will inhale a new life into your bedroom. The material is separated not only the cabinet, but also the walls, so that they form one. This impression even more enhances the top of the wall painted in a beige color in the tone of the cabinet case.

The material is not glued to the wall, so there are several tips here for the right job. Strips cut so that the drawing is preserved. The ends of the material strip are fixed on the bar, which is attached nails to the wall - one plank on the upper boundary and one by the floor. First, the bottom edge of the fabric will stick to the lower strap of the sticky ribbon. Then, pulling, glue the top edge of the fabric on the top bar. Fixed with furniture nails. For a clean end of the edge of the fabric, close it with a narrow plate, which I will attach nails without hats.

Cabinet in new clothes

1. Withdraw a piece of fabric equal to the width of the cabinet door plus 3 cm on each side.

2. The fabric decompose on the door, stretch so that there are no folds, and on the front side of the door

Attach the pistol for furniture.

3. Top edge of the fabric (already attached) with a narrow strip (1x4 cm) for an even end of the fabric. Plank with nails without hats.

With serial furniture - a unique thing.

Cabinet in new clothes
Cabinet in new clothes

This option is more expensive, but also elegant. It is required to buy 24 decorative plates "Stixx" and self-adhesive film. Plates "Stixx" are sold in various color versions, we have chosen orange, which looks spectacular on the black film background. At the doors and sides of the cabinet are attached with the help of upholstery nails. Felt is invested between the film and the cabinet, which protects the film from scratches and decorative plates will acquire a 3D effect.

1. Film stick on the door wetted by soap solution. In order for the film to be smoothly, to the edges of the doors stick a sticky tape, which will be a guideline. By smoothing the film with a damp cloth to stick it exactly along the edges of the ribbon.

2. Decorative plates with furniture nails.

Now you have original cabinets that can not find anyone!

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