Alteration of an old monitor


Alteration of the old monitor to view TV programs.

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

I got this monitor in not working condition from a friend with the words "there was a voltage drop, repairing expensive. Take the experiments." Carnate hands did not reach and he lay for a very long time in Saraj. So far, the tv knit itself, the tv is completely and unrepretentious.

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

As a result, the monitor was removed and opened. The power supply was approximately in this form. Attempts to repair to success did not lead. The chip is difficult to get, and the analogues are removed.

The picture is not mine. (native power supply was thrown out)

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

After reading the forums, it was decided to go along the way of substitution. In the subsoil was transplated such a power supply. After optimization rose as native.

A DC-DC converter from 12 to 5 volts and color wiring was also installed and all this is soldered to the power connector on the board. (Eh, slipped!)

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

The KR142En 5B chip is also installed to power USB ports. The previously installed converter did not pull the load.

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

USB ports for power supply and charging various devices

Approximately it turned out like this. Up to the right is visible by the UHC amplifier. Also looking for its place in the building.

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

The amplifier was collected 15 years ago from the designer is tested and forgotten in a long table drawer.

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

Next, this prefix was digested, which also got me on free after unsuccessful experiments of power engineers with electricity.

(In the background, USB monitor ports are visible).

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

A killed 5 volt power supply unit was mercilessly cut and a piece of a cable USB is soldered instead.

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

Also from the storeroom pulled the HDMI-VGA adapter with sound output. Introduced to the point.

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

From the dead TV pulled out the speakers and a little their eyululated mesh from the car speakers. I came down to the monitor.

Alteration of the old monitor do it yourself, do it yourself

After final assembly and settings, it turned out such a miracle. Which says and shows.

Good mood to you all.

A source

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