Decorating marine pebbles do it yourself



It is impossible to simply take and not bring a few beautiful stones from the journey: a multicolored pebble with a loved beach, gems with a mountain slopes, pieces of ancient walls, secretly raised from the ground during an excursion ... True, then these souvenirs still stay in boxes for trifles because it is strongly incomprehensible how to integrate them in the interior. Today's our post is an indulgence for those who, in spite of everything, continues to bring home pebbles (or does not oppose such a habit of their children). Now you know what to do with them.

Banks lamps

A simple and beautiful way to keep pebbles, glass and shells are to gather them into a candlestick bank, as the blogger advises Nadia.

Depending on whether you have a lot of pebbles, banks can be large or small and accommodate only pebbles from one trip or collected for all the years. Another example of lamps with pebbles.

You will need: banks, twine, candle.


Set for playing in noliki cross

Blogger Megan tells how he made for his adorable pebbles of children a set for playing in noliki cross. We admit, this is one of our favorite ideas in the whole selection.

You will need: fabric, lace, threads and needles, fabric markers / ceramics or acrylic fabric paint.

Decorating marine pebbles do it yourself


You can paint pebbles with thousands of different ways, but this one is most suitable for interior decoration. You can do with children and leave on the windowsill: such cacti do not scratch, and they need to water even less often than real, that is, never.

You will need: acrylic paint of different colors, brushes, pot, sand or small gravel.



Those who already have flowers, stone cacti are not needed. For them, we found the instructions, how to make a company of Hachifnatt - small animals of invisible from Tuva Jansson's fairy tales. In the master class, however, they are called "gardening pieces", but we are sure that it is the Scandinavian magic kids.

You will need: acrylic paints, brushes, glue, large stone base.

Decorating marine pebbles do it yourself

Stand under hot

We return to more practical ideas. From marine pebbles, if they are about the same size, you can make a reliable stand in pan and kettles. Pictures for inspiration are taken here, and the master class is not needed: just glue the pebbles to the cutting board of a suitable size.

You will need: glue, board base.



Blog author Find A Way by JWP offers to make hooks from pebbles for small things like jewelry and scarves. The idea is good and simple.

You will need: double-sided adhesive tape.


Crocheted pebbles

Finally, we will show a couple of useless, but extremely pretty projects. The first - pebbles, joined the crochet, to do which teaches Margaret Oz. They look cool due to the contrast of colors and textures.

You will need: cotton threads, hook, needle, scissors.

Decorating marine pebbles do it yourself

Gilded pebbles

And the second beautiful idea is to make pebbles in Scandinavian style with a gold accent. For staining, you will need a mixture of acrylic paint with plaster, and for the gold accent - glue and potal.

You will need: plaster, acrylic paint, greasy tape, brush, glue, patina.


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